美国国会一些女议员星期五告诉美联社说,她们曾经在数年甚至数十年前被男同事性骚扰。但是她们拒绝指认那些对性骚扰事件负责的男性。A number of female members of Congress told the Associated Press on Friday that they had been sexually harassed by male colleagues in incidents that occurred years or even decades ago. They declined to identify the men responsible.
白宫国家安全顾问星期四表示,美国正在考虑把朝鲜列入支持恐怖主义国家名单。此举意味着对这个极权主义政府施加更多的财务和外交压力。The United States is considering designating North Korea a state sponsor of terrorism, the White House national security adviser said Thursday, a move meant to put additional financial and diplomatic pressure on the totalitarian government.
今天我们要学的词是 dependence. Dependence 名词,有依赖的意思。
美国总统川普亚洲之行几天前,韩国情报机构表示,朝鲜可能正准备进行新一次导弹试验。South Korea's intelligence agency says the North may be preparing to conduct another missile test, just days before U.S. President Donald Trump’s Asia trip.
路透社报道,尽管川普总统与平壤持续恶语相加,美国正在秘密寻求与朝鲜的直接外交接触。Reuters news agency says the United States is pursuing direct diplomacy behind the scenes with North Korea, despite the ongoing war of words between President Donald Trump and Pyongyang.
今天我们要学的词是 escalate. Escalate 动词,有增加,升级的意思。
今天我们要学的词是 displaced. Displaced 形容词,无家可归的,颠沛流离的。
泰国说,有关部门已经吊销了被罢免的前总理英拉的护照。英拉涉嫌混乱大米补贴计划案,上个月在法院宣布判决前逃离了这个国家。Thailand says it has revoked the passports of ousted Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, who fled the country last month before facing sentencing in connection with a botched rice subsidy program.
今天我们要学的词是 goodwill ambassador. Goodwill ambassador 亲善大使。
今天我们要学的词是 reconnaissance. Reconnaissance 名词,意思是侦察。
美国国防部长马蒂斯说,美国绝不会接受一个拥有核武器的朝鲜。The U.S. defense secretary says the U.S. will never accept a nuclear-armed North Korea.
在公布所有有关美国前总统肯尼迪遇刺文件的法定期限之前数小时,川普总统下令数百份文件仍不解密,至少目前如此。Hours before a legal deadline for the release of all documents relating to President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, President Donald Trump has ordered that hundreds of the files will remain secret, at least temporarily.
今天我们要学的词是 round up. To round up 有赶在一起,围捕的意思。
美国历史最久的民权组织“美国全国有色人种协进会”(NAACP)警告乘坐美国航空公司的非洲裔乘客要小心。这个组织说,最近在美国航空公司发生了一系列令人担忧的事件。The U.S.'s oldest civil rights organization, the NAACP, is warning black flyers to exercise caution when flying American Airlines after a string of "disturbing incidents."
今天我们要学的词是 atrocity. Atrocity 残暴的行为。
美国总统川普签署政令,恢复接纳难民进入美国,但是针对11个被认定对美国国家安全构成高风险的国家采取更严格的审查程序。U.S. President Donald Trump has signed an executive order resuming the admission of refugees into the country, but imposed tougher scrutiny on nationals from 11 countries identified as posing a high risk to national security.
今天我们要学的词是 signatory. Signatory 名词,签约国,签约方。
一位尼日尔地方官员和一位分析人士说,四名美国陆军特种兵这个月在尼日尔一座村庄被打死的地方,当地村民可能故意拖住这些军人,以便能有足够的时间安排好伏击,并帮助将美国军人引入伏击地点。A local official and an analyst say residents of the Niger village where four Green Beret soldiers were killed this month may have delayed the soldiers while an ambush was set up and helped to lead the victims into a deadly trap.
今天我们要学的词是 ordeal. Ordeal 折磨,痛苦经历。
今天我们要学的词是 fire back. To fire back意思是还击。
美国总统川普签署政令,允许空军让多达1000名退役飞行员再次服现役,以解决飞行员短缺的问题。U.S. President Donald Trump has signed an executive order that will allow the Air Force to bring back to active duty as many as 1,000 retired pilots to address a pilot shortage.
一项新的研究显示,污染是现在世界上的第一大杀手,比战争、恐怖主义、自然灾害、吸烟和疾病都造成更多的早死。Pollution is the world's No. 1 killer, a new study says, causing more premature deaths than war, terrorism, natural disasters, cigarettes and disease.
今天我们要学的词是 accommodate. To accommodate有容纳的意思。
澳大利亚一项标准更严格的公民法案星期三未能在参议院通过。澳大利亚随后政府表示,将降低对英文能力的要求,以换取保留其他更严格的移民标准。After a more stringent citizenship bill failed in the Senate Wednesday, the Australian government says it will lower its standard for English language skills in a trade-off for other, tougher citizenship legislation.
今天我们要学的词是 secessionist. Secessionist 作为形容词,有分离主义的意思。