古巴星期六纪念其革命领袖卡斯特罗去世一周年后,星期天开始举行市政选举。古巴60年来将第一次出现一位不是卡斯特罗家族的领导人。Cuba marks the first anniversary of the death of revolutionary leader Fidel Castro on Saturday followed by municipal elections on Sunday that will usher in a new leader who for the first time in 60 years will not be a Castro brother.
今天我们要学的词是 lash out. To lash out 有猛烈抨击的意思。
美国民众星期四庆祝传统节日感恩节,亲友欢聚一堂,享受美味佳肴,观看游行或美式足球比赛,而且对很多人来说,这也是假期购物季节的开始。Americans will celebrate Thanksgiving Thursday as they traditionally do — gathering with family and friends around tables groaning with food, watching parades and football games, and, for many, starting their holiday shopping.
Crawl/come out of the woodwork 不想见到的人(像缝隙里的虫子一样)突然间不知道从哪里冒了出来,带有贬义。Jack was a loner in high school. Now that he has won the lottery, all sorts of high school “buddies” crawled out of the woodwork. Jack高中时一直独来独往,没什么朋友,如今他中了乐透大奖,各路高中“密友”突然间不知道从哪里冒了出来。
今天我们要学的词是 political motivation. Political motivation 政治动机。
津巴布韦长期担任总统的穆加贝辞职后,最快可能星期三就会有一位新总统。Zimbabwe could have a new president as early as Wednesday following the resignation of longtime leader Robert Mugabe.
今天我们要学的词是 extravaganza. Extravaganza 名词,有盛会,盛典的意思。
白宫确认,实行了几十年的总统每周广播讲话无限期暂停。The White House confirms the weekly presidential radio address – a fixture for decades – is on indefinite hiatus.
今天我们要学的词是 stockpile. Stockpile 做为动词,有储备的意思。
Wires crossed 产生误会,误解。原来的电话,如果接线员搭错线,电话就会串线,叫 crossed wires. Somehow we got our wires crossed. I thought the rehearsal was today, but Jim marked tomorrow on his calendar. 我们不知怎么会错了意,我以为预演是今天,Jim日历上记的却是明天。
今天我们要学的词是 tax haven. Tax haven 避税地,避税港。
成千上万群情激昂的示威者周六走上津巴布韦首都哈拉雷的街头,要求总统穆加贝辞职。他们手持的标语写着:“穆加贝必须下台!”以及“不是政变,而是真棒”。Thousands of exuberant demonstrators are walking through Harare's streets Saturday demanding that President Robert Mugabe step down from office. Signs they are carrying say "Mugabe must go!" and "Not coup but cool."
美国国会众议院星期四以相当多数通过了美国30年以来第一次大规模修改税收的法案,让连续遭遇立法挫败的川普总统和国会共和党人得到了一大迫切需要的胜利。The U.S. House of Representatives passed significant changes to the nation’s tax code for the first time in three decades and by a comfortable vote margin Thursday, giving President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans a much-needed win after a year of legislative setbacks.
今天我们要学的词是 cut ties with. To cut ties with 意思是切断联系,断绝关系。
有500年历史、曾经仅以60美元成交的一幅达芬奇画作星期三在一个艺术品拍卖会上以创世界纪录的高价售出。A 500-year-old masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci that once sold for a mere $60 smashed the world's record for an art auction Wednesday.
Canary in a coal mine 矿井中的金丝雀,指危险的先兆。金丝雀对有害气体的敏感度超过人体,所以金丝雀就成了矿工们的警报器,矿工下井带着金丝雀,如果金丝雀暴毙,就说明井下有危险气体,需要立即逃生。Wildlife in disaster movies often play the role of the canary in a coal mine by acting crazy when danger is present. 灾难片里的野生动物经常扮演矿井里金丝雀的角色,出现危险时做出疯狂的表现。
今天我们要学的词是 unionize. To unionize 动词,是成立工会,加入工会的意思。
中国本周晚些时候将派遣一名特使出访朝鲜。China is sending a special envoy to North Korea later this week.
今天我们要学的词是 leeway. Leeway 作为名词,有余地的意思。
美国一家联邦法院裁决,川普总统限制一些国家公民进入美国的政令可以部分实施。A U.S. federal appeals court has ruled that President Donald Trump’s order restricting travel to the U.S. from several countries may take effect in part.
今天我们要学的词是 fentanyl. Fentanyl 芬太尼。
今天我们要学的词是 designate. Designate 动词,有指定的意思。
美国和俄罗斯两国总统发表有关叙利亚问题的联合声明,双方一致认为,“军事手段无法化解冲突”。The presidents of the U.S. and Russia have approved a joint statement on Syria, agreeing that "there is no military solution to the conflict."
沙特阿拉伯总检察长穆吉布证实,沙特在大规模腐败调查行动中关押了208人,据估计多年来有1000多亿美元被侵吞。Saudi Arabia's attorney general is confirming the country has detained 208 people in a wide corruption probe and estimates more than $100 billion had been embezzled over many years.