
中国时间 17:17 2025年3月6日 星期四


沃尔夫议员 (沃尔夫议员办公室 提供)
沃尔夫议员 (沃尔夫议员办公室 提供)
来自维吉尼亚州的共和党籍联邦众议员弗兰克·沃尔夫( Frank Wolf)在美国司法部以网络商业间谍罪起诉中国五名军官后立即发表声明称,这是美国开始问责的标志性第一步,同时,这也向中国政府传达了一个信息,那就是美国政府不再对中国史无前例的间谍活动视而不见。




今天,对中国人民解放军五名军官电脑入侵美国几家公司进行间谍活动的指控是标志性的第一步, 是追查数以十亿计美元的数不清的损失的第一步。这些间谍活动导致美国人失去工作并影响了我们的经济竞争力。


而且,这些指控从此让美国公众不再对中国政府、中国人民解放军以及中国国营公司如何联手盗取商业机密、研究和技术抱有丝毫疑问。 今天的宣布只是中国政府令人难以置信地大规模从美国公司、实验室、大学和政府机构盗取技术和商业机密的冰山一角。

将近10年来, 我一直大声疾呼关注来自中国的日渐增长的间谍威胁, 这对我们的经济和国家安全造成了具有严重破坏性的后果。 我的办公室在2006年也沦为中国电脑间谍的受害者。 我办公室的工作人员的电脑和其他众议员办公室和一些委员会的电脑都受到了影响。 2008年,不顾司法部的反对,我在众议院会场公开点名披露来自中国的网络袭击, 以提高民众对这种威胁的警惕。

我担任美国国会众议院拨款委员会商务、司法及科学小组委员会的主席。这个小组委员会为美国联邦调查局和美国司法部提供资金。 我总是优先考虑将资源用于增加美国的网络犯罪司法鉴定和反间谍能力,我们的拨款甚至超过了总统的预算要求。我也努力限制中国国有企业以及华为和中兴等接受政府指导的公司接入美国的网络。我也努力限制美国宇航局和中国太空项目之间的信息转让。这个太空项目是中国人民解放军控制的,就是今天被指控的这些人。


Wolf Statement On Indictment Of Chinese Military Officers
May 19, 2014

“The indictment of five Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) officers today for cyber espionage against several U.S. companies is a landmark first step towards ensuring accountability for the loss of untold billions, which has cost American jobs and undermined our economic competitiveness.

“While it is unlikely that arrests will be made, these charges send a clear signal to the Chinese government that the U.S. will no longer turn a blind eye to its unprecedented espionage campaigns.

“Moreover, these indictments should put to rest, once and for all, any public doubt about how the Chinese government, PLA and Chinese state-owned companies collaborate to steal trade secrets, research and technology. Today’s announcement is just the tip of the iceberg of the unbelievable scope of the Chinese government’s theft of technology and trade secrets from U.S. companies, labs, universities and government agencies.

“For nearly a decade, I have been speaking out about the growing threat from Chinese espionage, which has had devastating consequences for both our economy and national security. My office was the victim of Chinese cyber espionage in 2006, when a number of my staff’s computers were compromised along with a number of other House offices and committees. In 2008, over the objections of the Justice Department, I went to the House floor to publicly identify to disclose these Chinese cyber attacks to raise public awareness of the threat.

“As chairman of the House Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations subcommittee, which funds the FBI and Justice Department, I have prioritized resources – often above the president’s budget request – to grow and improve U.S. cyber forensics and counterintelligence capabilities. I also have worked to restrict access to U.S. networks by Chinese state-owned and state-directed companies, like Huawei and ZTE, and restrict technology transfer between the NASA and the Chinese space program, which is run by the PLA – the very people charged today for espionage.

“I applaud the men and women of the FBI and Justice Department for their efforts to bring these cyber espionage cases to light, and hope that this is just the beginning of U.S. efforts to ensure accountability and demonstrate to the Chinese government that there are consequences for their systematic, criminal behavior.