
中国时间 18:12 2025年2月27日 星期四

VOA现场: 中印崛起与美国的未来



全球经济依然处于康复阶段。对于世界贸易和增长来说,亚洲的两个经济“巨人”- 中国和印度- 似乎是当前为数不多的几个亮点当中的亮点,可是这两个新兴大国也不乏令人担忧之处。随着“南-南贸易”动力增加,中印两国的经济联系也在加强。然而这两个正在努力脱贫致富的亚洲古国能否保持其经济的高速发展并带动全球增长,却是人们激烈辩论的一个话题。


在东西方中心2012年1月30日星期一举行的“中印两国的改革、区域主义和贸易”研讨会上,亚洲开发银行的高级经济学家魏格纳拉贾(Ganeshan Wignaraja)和彼得森国际经济研究所的访问学者弗罗斯特(Ellen L. Frost)将就这些问题进行深入的探讨。

Reforms, Regionalism, and Trade in China and India


Ganeshan Wignaraja

Principal Economist, Office of Regional Economic Integration, Asian Development Bank

Ellen L. Frost, Discussant

Visiting Fellow, Peterson Institute of International Economics

With the global economy still in the recovery ward, Asia's economic "giants" are under examination as among the few exciting sources of world trade and growth.
With a gathering momentum towards South-South trade, economic linkages between China and India have also intensified. A lively debate is taking place on the ability of the giants' economic strategies to sustain rapid economic performance and stimulate world growth. Drawing on his recent East-West Center publication on this topic, Dr. Ganeshan Wignaraja will look at reforms, regionalism and trade among these major players. Dr. Wignaraja will be joined by Dr. Ellen Frost of the Peterson Institute for International Economics in a discussion that will address a number of questions,
including: what role have history and reforms played in the economic success of China and India, whether the giants' recent emphasis on free trade agreements (FTAs) is worthwhile, and whether the United States should prepare for a multipolar world.
Monday, January 30
12:00 P.M. - 1:30 P.M.
Lunch will be served.
East-West Center in Washington
1819 L Street, NW, Washington, DC, Sixth Floor Conference Room

Ganeshan Wignaraja is Principal Economist in the Asian Development Bank's Office of Regional Economic Integration. He represents the Bank on the WTO Director-General's Advisory Group on Aid for Trade as well as at APEC and ASEAN senior officials meetings.
Formerly, he was a manager at a leading UK economics consulting firm and Chief Program Officer at the Commonwealth Secretariat. He is currently an Executive Editor of the Journal of Asian Economics. His doctorate in economics is from Oxford University.

Ellen L. Frost is a visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and an adjunct research fellow at the National Defense University's Institute of National Strategic Studies. She previously served in the U.S. government as counselor to the U.S. Trade Representative (1993-95), deputy assistant secretary of defense for international economic and technology affairs (1977-81), various positions in the Treasury Department (1974-77) and the State Department (1963).






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