
中国时间 12:57 2024年10月5日 星期六




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格莱塔·范·萨斯特伦问: “伊朗正在发生许多事情,我知道这是一个很艰难的局势,非常多变。美国准备如何回应?我知道有推特和口头表达的支持,那么实际行动?”








问:“川普总统现在是通过推特进行支持,而伊朗当局……政府关闭了推特、Telegram、脸书和 Instagram,所以社媒在伊朗不能传播到每个人。我觉得这个采访会传播到伊朗,因为美国之音会到达那里,虽然总统可能不能传达到他们。第二是,我怀疑伊朗很多人可能因为总统的移民政策和对伊朗人进入美国的旅行禁令而苦恼,我不知道伊朗人的接受程度如何,除非总统能向他们传达更多信息。”




问: “但他们没有社媒,这是个问题。”

彭斯: “不管是总统还是我本人,不管是国务卿还是妮基·黑利大使,我们都会继续坚持。跟九年前不同的是,我们会继续向在伊朗街头抗议的人传递这个明确的信息——美国人民与热爱自由的伊朗人民和世界人民站在一起,我觉得这是充满希望的时刻。我的目标是……我的祈愿是伊朗人民,这些年轻的,受到良好教育的人,能明白美国和美国人民生来是他们的盟友。我们希望看到他们获得自由民主的未来。我们希望看到他们远离那个不断危及、胁迫世界,威胁发展核武器的政权。”




彭斯: “但是在您说的问题上,还有其它决定必须做出。在我们是否继续免予执行制裁的问题上,总统正在认真考虑,这个决定将在本月中旬之前做出。”




彭斯: “川普总统已经在世界舞台上展现了这种明确的领导力,特别是在朝鲜问题上取得了显著进展。金正恩的新年信息一方面谈到他想要与邻国韩国沟通,同时他也讲到拥有射程可以到达美国的导弹并且说在他的桌上就摆着一个按钮。在金正恩发表上述讲话后,川普总统传递的信息是,他明确表示,美国不会被欺凌,美国不会被威胁,明确地说,美利坚合众国已经计划安排向朝鲜施加前所未有的经济和外交压力。在朝鲜与国际社会僵持,忽视国际社会数十年,并持续发展核武器和弹道导弹数十年后,我们现在开始真正看到该地区的一些国家的行动。中国……”


彭斯: “中国做的比以往都要多。中国需要做的更多,但中国正在比以往做的更多以在经济和外交上孤立朝鲜。我真的相信明确了所有选项都在桌面上,相信总统已经做得,明确了美利坚合众国拥有远高于朝鲜能够想象到的保卫我们人民的能力,并且也明确提出如果朝鲜能够放弃其发展核武器和弹道导弹的野心,如果他们能废除这些项目,还是有机会能够和平解决朝鲜问题的。”

问: “副总统先生,很高兴见到您,谢谢您。”

彭斯: “见到您很高兴,格莱塔,谢谢您。”



Greta Van Susteren: “Mr. Vice President, good to see you sir.”

Vice President Mike Pence: “Good to see you, Greta. Thank you.”

Q: Much is going on in Iran, and I realize it is a very tough situation, situation very fragile over there. What is the United States going to do, if anything? I know that there’s been a tweet and verbal statements in support, but what about doing?

Pence: “Well it’s important to remember that first and foremost that Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world. Not only do they oppress their own people, deny human rights to their own, but they also export terrorists across the region, and continue to be an enormously dangerous destabilizing force. And so to see the people of Iran rising up to demand change in their country should hearten every freedom loving American and people who cherish freedom around the world, and I have to tell you, that the contrast today between the deafening silence from an American president in 2009 during the Green revolution in Iran and the clear—“

Q: “He waited, he waited, he waited a few days but then he spoke up.”

PENCE: “Well, but the clear affirmation and support that President Trump has provided to protestors rising up in cities across Iran is dramatic and I think it’s very consistent with America’s role in the world as a leading champion of freedom.

Q: “In terms of support though, there’s verbal support and there was admittedly President Obama’s few days late back in ’09--”

PENCE: “It wasn’t just a few days late, because I was there. I was a member of the Congress, you recall I served on the Foreign Affairs Committee in the House of Representatives, and I remember back in 2009, seeing this largely youth driven movement following a fraudulent election in Iran, people taking to the streets, demonstrating incredible courage that the people of Iran did to claim a democratic and free future. And we looked to the White House in those days in 2009, we looked for American leadership, and there was none. There was deafening silence from the Obama administration. So as a member of Congress, I authored a resolution with a Democratic Congressman by the name of Howard Berman who was at the time Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee. We introduced the resolution, it passed almost unanimously in the House of Representatives, then Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman introduced it in the Senate where it passed unanimously, and then and only then did we hear from President Obama and the Obama administration. The contrast between the silence and the failure to support freedom in the last administration and President Trump’s unapologetic willingness to stand with the courageous people of Iran. I know it is giving hope to the people on the streets of those cities across that country and we’re going to continue to support them in not just verbally, but as they bring about change in their country, I can assure you the United States and the wider world stands with the people of Iran who want a better and more prosperous and freer future.”

Q: “In 1956ish, the same thing happened in Hungary where the people rose up, and there was verbal support. We’ve had it with the Kurds with President Bush ‘41, we had the Green Movement which the Congress, as you say, had supported a unanim—different on how fast President Obama responded, but is when you support them verbally, it has not had necessarily the intended consequences. This is a chance where the United States has supported them verbally, is there something more that the United States intends to actually do to support them as they take to the streets?”

PENCE: “There is an extraordinary amount that the United States and countries around the world can do for the people of Iran if they will continue to stand up for their own freedom and to stand up for change and to reject the radical ideology that overtook their country decades ago and continues to beset the wider world through the export of terrorism from Iran. Look, the last administration not only was silent when the good and courageous people of Iran were rising up for democracy but they also pushed forward and embraced the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal that President Trump refused to recertify and we’re continuing to provide leadership on. You know the hope of the Iran Nuclear Deal is that it would encourage a more moderate Iran but we’ve seen nothing of the kind. But to see people taking to the streets again in Iran and to now have an American president who’s willing in that great American tradition to affirm and to say to the people, we’re with you, we support you, we’re prepared to help you achieve that freer, more prosperous future. I think it represents a genuine opportunity and if I had one hope today it’s that just as the dissidence in the old Soviet Union heard of Ronald Reagan’s evil empire speech and were encouraged to know they were not alone. My hope is that the people who are taking in the streets in Iran know that under President Donald Trump they are not alone, that the American people stand with them and if they will just continue to show the courage of their convictions and reach out and embrace a free and democratic future that America and the world will be with them.”

Q: “The way the president has done it so far is by twitter and the Iranian authorities…the government has shut down Twitter, Telegram, Facebook and Instagram so social media into Iran is not reaching everyone. I realize that this interview will reach into Iran because Voice of America does reach there and so the president may not be reaching them, the second thing is I suspect that many people in Iran are a little bit distressed with the President’s immigration and terms of banning people from Iran from coming here, the United States so I don’t know how receptive the people are in Iran unless he reaches out more to them.”

PENCE: “Well, the repression by the regime, by the Ayatollah’s in Iran is not surprising. They continue to be a nation that denies basic human rights to their people and to be shutting down communication means and social media is no real surprise.”

Q: “If it’s done by Twitter, is there another vehicle that the president has other than I mean you’re speaking here today, is there another vehicle that the president intends to use. Senator Lindsey Graham suggested he addressed the nation for instance on this issue our nation on it.”

PENCE: “I think the President again spoke out on social media this morning, directly to the people of Iran.”

Q: “But they don’t have social media, that’s the problem.”

PENCE: “I can assure you that whether it’s the president, whether it is myself, whether it’s our Secretary of State or Ambassador Nikki Haley we’re going to continue to send, different from nine years ago we’re going to continue to send from the very outset of this effort on the streets of Iran an unambiguous message that the American people stand with freedom loving people in Iran and around the world and I think this is a very hopeful moment and my goal…really my prayer is that the people of Iran a youthful population, a well-educated population, understand that The United States of America, the people of this country are their natural ally. We want to see them achieve a free and democratic future. We want to see them step away from a regime that continues to menace the world to threaten the world and threaten to develop nuclear weapons.”

Q: “What can the people expect in this if the president doesn’t recertify the deal? Now, the people of Iran thought with the deal that all the money that was going to be unfrozen would go towards—would go with them and would revitalize their economy. That hasn’t happened, what has provoked, in part, these protests. What happens without the deal being recertified? What do you see happening to the people in Iran?”

PENCE: “Well, the president made it clear that we are not recertifying.”

Q: “So, what happens to the people in Iran?”

PENCE: “But there are other decisions that have to be made, to your point, Greta. Whether or not we’ll continue to waive sanctions and the president is actively considering that decision that needs to be made by the middle of this month.”

Q: “Do you think that will help? The sanctions? Because sometimes it works. I’m not opposed to sanctions. I want sanctions in Myanmar, you know? So, I mean I’m not opposed to sanctions. But will sanctions, upping the sanctions in Iran will that harm the people who are protesting on the streets or is it helpful?”

PENCE: “We believe that the sanctions working. They are not just working in Iran, we believe they are working in North Korea and this president and this administration are absolutely committed to continue to bring the full economic weight of the United States and these economic sanctions to bear on Iran. Now, we’re also working with the Congress to arrive at a new agreement, a new set of conditions for sanctions going forward. The reality is the Iran Nuclear Deal was so ill-founded because in part it not only did it not deny that Iran could develop a nuclear weapon. By it only being a ten year agreement, it virtually guaranteed that they would develop a nuclear weapon after that ten-year period in time. What we want is to have a long term agreement in place, a long term legislation in place that it says that if at any time Iran attempts to obtain a usable nuclear weapon and the ballistic missiles to be able to deliver it, that all sanctions would be re-imposed immediately. But all of those decisions going forward, but I think, as you see what’s happening on the streets of Iran, you have to believe that the sanctions are in place today and additional pressure we can bring to bear is having an effect on the nations, its having an effect on the economy, its emboldening the people of Iran to be able to have the courage to step forward.”

Q: “You brought up North Korea in my last question, is the president – the president has tweeted that he has a bigger button than Kim Jong Un. Is he playing with fire with Kim Jong Un in tweeting him this way – in twitter war back and forth?”

PENCE: “President Trump has provided the kind of clear leadership on the world’s stage that’s made measurable progress particularly with regard to North Korea. And the message the president sends, in the wake of Kim Jong Un’s new year’s message where while on the one hand he talked about wanting to reach out to his neighbors to the south, at the same moment he spoke of having missiles that could reach the United States, having a button on his desk. President Trump made it clear, America will not be bullied, America will not be threatened, and that the United States of America has, and by being clear, managed to marshal an unprecedented amount of economic and diplomatic pressure on North Korea. And after decades of North Korea stalling and ignoring the world community, and continuing to develop nuclear and ballistic missiles, we’re now literally beginning to see some movement among nations in the region, China is – ”

Q: “You’re not worried?”

PENCE: “China is doing more than ever before, China needs to do more, but they’re doing more than ever before to isolate North Korea economically and diplomatically and I truly do believe that making it clear that all options are on the table, that the president has done, making it clear that the United States of America has the capacity to defend our people far beyond anything North Korea could imagine, but also making it clear that if North Korea will abandon their nuclear and ballistic and missile ambitions, if they dismantle those programs, there’s an opportunity for a peaceable solution.”

Q: “Mr. Vice President, nice to see you. Thank you sir.”

PENCE: “Great to see you Greta. Thank you.”