
中国时间 17:51 2025年2月5日 星期三


美国国务卿克里在中国89年六四民主运动25周年之际发表声明,纪念六四和平抗议者,并敦促中国反省六四,让老百姓有言论自由, 以下是声明原文。

今天我们要特别纪念成千上万名走上街头要求基本普世权利的和平抗议者的勇气和执着。我永远都不会忘记我在办公室打开电视,看到一位男士只身挡住一队坦克的情景,他手无寸铁, 唯一的武器就是他的良心。


对所有争取自由的人们来说,天安门广场仍然触动我们的良心, 所以美国和国际社会纪念那些惨遭杀害的数百人,那些为追求自由表达观点而勇敢面对暴力的人。我们向那些因失去亲人而悲伤的家庭、特别是天安门母亲表达我们的悲痛。

我们承认并赞赏中国几十年来所取得的社会和经济进步,但能否继续进步将由是否开放来限定-- 不仅对世界开放, 也要让中国公民公开表达看法和不同观点。

要对1989年事件进行公开讨论和审议,彻底公布被杀害、被监禁或被失踪者的情况, 这将是力量和愈合而不是软弱和分裂的迹象。 愈合过去的伤口,和平与繁荣的未来会更有希望。

我们呼吁中国当局释放所有因89六四事件或相关事件而被判刑的人,停止对示威者、他们的家人以及那些继续勇于讲话的人进行骚扰、拘留和官方报复。 这种模式目前仍在进行。我们敦促中国释放在六四周年纪念日前被拘押的人,履行保护中国所有人基本自由的国际承诺。当每个公民对国家的发展方向都有发言权,也有利害关系的时候, 社会就会更加强大。

Today of all days, we remember the courage and commitment of hundreds of thousands of peaceful protesters who took to the streets to demand fundamental, universal rights. I’ll never forget turning on the television in my office and seeing a column of tanks halted by a single man armed only with his conscience. In those uncertain days, I was in the presence of 2,000 students in Massachusetts. I shared with them that these events were not the happenings of a weekend, but the happenings of an epoch, of a lifetime, and they demanded a moral and political response.

For all people who seek freedom, Tiananmen Square still stirs our conscience. That is why the United States and the international community commemorate the tragic loss of hundreds of lives and the heavy price paid by those who braved the violence in pursuit of the freedom to express their views. We express our sorrow to the families still grieving the loved ones, the lost, and especially to the Tiananmen Mothers.

We all recognize and appreciate that China has made marked social and economic progress in the past several decades. Continued progress will be defined by openness not just to the world, but to the voices and diverse perspectives of China’s citizens. Open discussion and examination of the events of 1989 and a full public accounting of those killed, detained, or missing would be a sign of strength and healing, not weakness and division. A peaceful, prosperous future is made more promising by healing the wounds of the past. We call on Chinese authorities to release from prison all those still serving sentences in connection with the events surrounding June 4, 1989, and end the ongoing pattern of harassment, detention, and official retribution against those who participated in the demonstrations, their family members, and those who continue to bravely speak out. We also urge China to release those who were detained in advance of the anniversary of June 4, and to uphold its international commitments to protect fundamental freedoms of all in China. All societies are stronger when every citizen has a say and a stake in their country’s direction.


时事大家谈:特朗普会黄仁勋谈DeepSeek 多国下令禁用


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