今天我们要学的词是 face off.
face off 的意思是对峙、对决,最后摊牌。 Police and anti-government protesters have faced off in the streets and at the airport in Hong Kong in recent days, while taking their message to the public through media briefings and outreach. 最近几天,香港警方和反政府示威者在街头和机场对峙,同时通过对媒体吹风和对外介绍向公众传达信息。
Former US Vice President Joe Biden is in a crowded field of two dozen others seeking the Democratic presidential nomination to face off against President Donald Trump next year. 美国前副总统拜登是拥挤的民主党竞选阵营里,二十几名寻求总统候选人提名、将在明年与特朗普总统对决的参选人之一。