
中国时间 21:24 2025年2月23日 星期日

YOLO美语(6) Where Is the Gym?

YOLO美语(6) Where Is the Gym?


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YOLO美语 第六课

Summary 简介

Anna is looking for the gym in her new apartment building. She meets Pete and he gives her directions. Anna finds many different places in the apartment building. Finally, she finds the gym.


Speaking 口语

Watch the video and practice speaking. You can also download the worksheet and practice with a friend.


Speaking Practice - Let's Learn English Lesson 6


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Pronunciation 发音

In this video, you ​learn about how Americans greet each other in informal situations. You will also learn how to ask clarification questions by beginning your sentence with a statement, then making your voice go up at the end of the sentence to form a question.


Pronunciation Practice - Let's Learn English Lesson 6


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Conversation 对话



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Anna: Hi there! I’m Anna and I live in Washington, D.C. Every day I learn more about this great city. People in Washington like to work out! Oh, hi, Pete. How’s it going?
Pete: Hi, Anna. It’s going great. How’s it going with you?
Anna: Things are awesome! Pete, I want to work out. Where is the gym?
Pete: The gym is across from the lounge. It’s next to the mailroom. Go that way.
Anna: Thanks, Pete!
(Anna walks away)
Pete: No, Anna! Not that way! Go that way!
(In the mailroom)
Anna: Oh, Pete. This is not the gym.
Pete: That’s right, Anna. This is the mailroom.
Anna: The gym is across from … what?
Pete: The gym is across from the lounge.
Anna: Across from the lounge. Right. Thanks!
(In the lounge)
Anna: Pete! This is not the gym!
Pete: The gym is across from the lounge. It is behind the lobby.
Anna: Right. Right. See you.
Pete: See you, Anna!
Anna: See you.
Pete: See you, Anna.
(In the garage)
Anna: This is not the gym. This is a parking garage.
Anna: Hello? Pete?
(On the rooftop)
Anna: This is not a gym. This is a rooftop.
(In the gym)
Anna: Pete! Pete?
Pete: I want to work out too! Join me!
Anna: I’m good.

Writing 写作

What are some of the rooms in your house? Write to us in the Comments section. Tell us what you do in the rooms.


Lesson 6 Activity Sheet
Lesson 6 Activity Sheet

You can also download the worksheet. Practice writing the names of rooms in an apartment building.​


Learning Strategy 学习技巧

Learning Strategies are the thoughts and actions that help make learning easier or more effective. The learning strategy for this lesson is Ask Questions to Clarify.


In the video you see Anna ask Pete about the gym. She uses a statement and a question word together to clarify Pete's directions to the gym. Pete says,"The gym is across from the lounge." Later, Anna asks him, "The gym is across from … what?"

Anna在视频中问Pete健身房在哪里。比如,她用一句话加上一个疑问词,让Pete澄清健身房的具体方位:"The gym is across from … what?"

Write to us in the Comments section or send us an email about how you ask questions to clarify what you want to know. Teachers, see the Lesson Plan for more details on teaching this strategy.


Listening Quiz 听力测试

Desktop Computer: Click here to go to the listening quiz. Click on the button below if you are on a mobile device or our mobile site. Each question has a video. Play the video and listen for information about people’s locations.

使用电脑的用户:点击这里进行听力测试。手机或平板电脑用户,点击下面的Start quiz开始测试。每个问题有一段视频,看视频,了解人物所在地点。

Listening Quiz - Lesson 6: Where is the gym?

Listening Quiz - Lesson 6: Where is the gym?

Start the Quiz to find out

New Words 新词汇

across fromprep. on the opposite side from (someone or something)

across from - 介词,对面

behind - prep. in or to a place at the back of or to the rear of (someone or something)​

behind - 介词,在...的后面

elevator n. a machine used for carrying people and things to different levels in a building

elevator - 名词,电梯

every – adj. used to describe how often some repeated activity or event happens or is done

every - 形容词,每个

gymn. a room or building that has equipment for sports activities or exercise

gym - 名词,健身房

lobby n. a large open area inside and near the entrance of a public building (such as a hotel or theater)

lobby - 名词,大厅

loungen. a room with comfortable furniture for relaxing

lounge - 名词,休息厅

mailroom – n. a room in which mail is processed and sorted

mailroom - 名词,邮件收发室

next to prep. at the side of (someone or something)

next to - 介词,旁边

parking garagen. a building in which people usually pay to park their cars, trucks, etc.

parking garage - 名词,车库

rooftop n. the cover or top of a building or vehicle

rooftop - 名词,房顶

work outphrasal verb to perform athletic exercises in order to improve your health or physical fitness

work out - 动词短语,健身


Free Materials


Word Book
Word Book

Download the VOA Learning English Word Book for a dictionary of the words we use on this website.

Each Let's Learn English lesson has an Activity Sheet for extra practice on your own or in the classroom. In this lesson, you can use it to talk about the location of rooms in an apartment building.

For Teachers 教师资源​

Lesson Plan - Lesson 6
Lesson Plan - Lesson 6

See the Lesson Plan for this lesson for ideas and more teaching resources. Send us an email if you have comments on this course or questions.

Grammar focus: prepositions: next to, behind, across from

Topics: Informal greetings; Asking questions and clarifying information about location; Naming places; Rooms and services in an apartment

Speaking & Pronunciation focus: using prepositions, asking for clarifying information; informal greetings


Now it's your turn. Send us an email or write to us in the Comments section below or on our Facebook page to let us know what you think of this lesson.