
中国时间 1:45 2025年2月24日 星期一

YOLO美语(3) I'm Here!

YOLO美语(3) I'm Here!


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YOLO美语 第三课

Let's Learn English is a new course for English learners. Certified American English teachers designed the course for beginners. The course continues for 52 weeks.

Let's Learn English(YOLO美语)是美国之音最新推出的视频教学课程,由英语专业教师为初学者量身打造,共计52课。

Each week, there will be a new lesson with video showing the lives of young Americans. The lesson includes instruction in speaking, vocabulary and writing.


There are also printable worksheets, assessments and lesson plans for individual learners and English teachers. We encourage you to follow the weekly lessons and share your progress with us through comments and email.


Summary 简介

Anna is in her new apartment. She wants to cook dinner. She tries to call Marsha for help.


Speaking 口语

Listen to the teacher in the video. Use your computer or phone to record yourself saying the words. Use this video to practice the new words for this lesson, learn how to answer the telephone, and practice asking for someone.


Speaking Practice Lesson 3: I'm Here!


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Download the worksheet and practice speaking English by asking and answering questions about addresses.


Pronunciation 发音

Let's Learn English Lesson 3 Pronunciation Practice


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Practice shortened sounds with the verb BE using this video.

Conversation 对话



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Anna: I am in my new apartment! Great!
I live with Marsha. We’re roommates.
I want to cook dinner. Oh! Hmmm. Is there a supermarket near here?
Marsha knows. Marsha's work number is 555-8986.
Man: Hello.
Anna: Hello. Is this Marsha? It is Anna.
Man: I am sorry. You have the wrong number.
Anna: Oh. Is this 555-8986?
Man: No. This is 555-8689.
Anna: Oh. Excuse me!
Man: Okay. 'Bye.
Anna: One more time. 555-8986. Please be Marsha.
Marsha: Hello. This is Marsha.
Anna: Yes, Marsha. I want to cook dinner.
Marsha: Excuse me? Anna? Is that you?
Anna: Oh, yes. I am here!
Marsha: Good. You are there.
Anna: I want to find a supermarket.
Marsha: Oh, okay. The supermarket is at 1500 Irving Street. It is near the apartment.
Anna: Great! Goodbye!
Marsha: Goodbye, Anna.
Anna: There is a big supermarket on our street. And Marsha says I am a good cook! Until next time! Bye!

Writing 写作

Lesson 3 Activity Sheet
Lesson 3 Activity Sheet

Click to download the Activity Sheet and practice writing the names and addresses of friends or classmates.


Learning Strategy 学习技巧

Learning Strategies are the thoughts and actions that help make learning easier or more effective.

The strategy for this lesson is Look for Ways to Practice. Good language learners are always looking for new and different ways to practice using the language they want to learn. Here is an example of a learner who uses this strategy.


Alex wants to be more confident when he speaks English. He downloads podcasts of conversations in English. When he is walking or riding in a car he listens and repeats each sentence he hears. He writes text messages and emails in English, using the new words he wants to learn. Every day he talks with anyone who will speak English with him. Sometimes people ask him, "Did you live in an English speaking country?" because he is so confident in using English. Alex laughs and says "Someday!" and looks for more ways to practice.

Alex希望能更自信地说英语。他下载了英语对话播客,走路或是坐车的时候就边听句子便跟读。他用英语发短信写邮件,使用新学的单词。他每天都找机会用英语跟别人对话。由于他的自信,有时甚至会有人会问他,”你在讲英语的国家住过吗?" 他会笑着回答,"也许哪天吧!"然后继续寻找更多练习英语的途径。

For more information on using this strategy, see the Lesson Plan. How about you? How do you find ways to practice speaking English? Write us an email or leave a comment in the Comments section.


Listening Quiz 听力测试

Desktop Computer: Click here to go to the listening quiz. Click on the button below if you are on a mobile device or our mobile site. Each question has a video. Play the video and choose the correct answer.

使用电脑的用户:点击这里进行听力测试。手机或平板电脑用户,点击下面的Start quiz开始测试。每个问题有一段视频,先看视频,然后选择正确答案。

Listening Quiz - Lesson 3: I'm Here!

Listening Quiz - Lesson 3: I'm Here!

Start the Quiz to find out


New Words 新词汇

cook - v. to prepare (food) for eating especially by using heat

cook - 动词,煮饭

dinner - n. the main meal of the day

dinner - 名词,正餐

excuse - v. to forgive someone for making a mistake or doing something wrong

excuse - 动词,原谅某人

find - v. to get or discover something or someone that you are looking for

find - 动词,发现

here - adv. in this place or at this location

here - 副词,这里

live - v. to have a home in a specified place

live - 动词,居住

near - adv. close to something or someone

near - 副词,附近

sorry - adj. feeling sorrow or regret

sorry - 形容词,对不起,遗憾

supermarket - n. a store where customers can buy a variety of foods and household items

supermarket - 名词,超市

there - adv. in that place or at that location

there - 副词,那里

want - v. to desire or wish for something

want - 动词,想要

wrong - adj.­ not suitable or appropriate for a particular purpose, situation, or person

wrong - 形容词,错误的


Free Materials


Word Book
Word Book

Download the VOA Learning English Word Book for a dictionary of the words we use on this website.

Each Let's Learn English lesson has an Activity Sheet for extra practice on your own or in the classroom.

For Teachers


Lesson Plan - Lesson 3
Lesson Plan - Lesson 3

See the Lesson Plan for this lesson for ideas and resources. Send us an email if you have comments or questions.

Grammar focus: Place pronouns: here, there

Topics: Apologizing: sorry, excuse me

Speaking and Pronunciation focus: Contractions with BE; polite telephone expressions

Now it's your turn. Send us an email or write to us in the Comments section below or on our Facebook page to let us know what you think of this lesson.