
中国时间 13:50 2025年2月23日 星期日

YOLO美语(19) When Do I Start?

YOLO美语(19) When Do I Start?


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YOLO美语 第十九课

Summary 简介

Anna has to walk to work because the Metro is closed. She calls to tell her boss she is late. Ms. Weaver wants her to come and talk about a new assignment. What will Anna do?

Anna has to walk to work because the Metro is closed. She calls to tell her boss she is late. Ms. Weaver wants her to come and talk about a new assignment. What will Anna do? 地铁停了,Anna走路去上班。她打电话给老板说自己会迟到。Ms. Weaver要她过来,给她布置新工作。Anna会如何做?

Speaking 口语

Learn to pronounce the new words for this lesson and the months of the year. Learn about using which for offering choices and every or next with time words.

Let's Learn English Lesson 19 Speaking Practice


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Pronunciation 发音

In this video, learn how English speakers say the second month of the year.

Let's Learn English Lesson 19 Pronunciation Practice


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Conversation 对话



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Anna: Hi there! Summer in Washington, D.C. is hot and sunny. I always ride the Metro to work. Riding the Metro is cool and fast. But today it’s closed. So, I am walking to work.
(On the phone) Ms. Weaver, I am late this morning. The Metro is closed. So, I am walking to work.
Caty: That’s too bad. It’s really hot today.
Anna: Yes it is.
Caty: When you arrive, please come to my office. I have important news to tell you.
Anna: Of course. Good-bye. My boss has news for me. The question is: Is it good news or bad news?
(At work)
Anna: Hello, Ms. Weaver.
Caty: Anna, I have good news and I have bad news. Which do you want to hear first?
Anna: The good news. No … okay, the bad news.
Caty: The bad news is you are not good at reading the news.
Anna: Oh. I am very sorry to hear that.
Caty: So, starting next month you will not read the news.
Anna: Next month is July. You are firing me in July.
Caty: No. I am not firing you in July … or in August or in September. That is the good news.
Anna: Okay. You are not firing me. I am not reading the news. What will I be doing?
Caty: Well, you are good at asking questions. You are good at talking to people. You are good at showing your feelings. And you are great at being silly.
Anna: Thank you, Ms. Weaver. But what does all that mean?
Caty: I have a new assignment for you! Your skills are perfect for a new show … a children’s show.
Anna: A children’s show ... That is awesome! When do I start?
Caty: You start next month. Start thinking of ideas for the show.
Anna: I have tons of ideas! I can show children what it’s like in outer space ...
Caty: Great …
Anna: … or in the deep, dark ocean
Caty: Those are great ideas, Anna. Please go think of more … at your desk.
Anna: Yes. What other things can I show them? Mt. Everest! Everyone has different skills. You have skills. I have skills. The important thing is to know what you are good at. Until next time!

Writing 写作

What are your skills? Do you use them at work or at school? Tell us about a couple of skills you have. Write to us by email or in the Comments section. Click on the image below to download the Activity Sheet and practice with a friend.


Activity Sheet - Lesson 19
Activity Sheet - Lesson 19

Learning Strategy 学习技巧

Learning Strategies are the thoughts and actions that help make learning easier or more effective.

The learning strategy for this lesson is Summarize. In this week's video, you hear Ms. Weaver tell Anna, "Well, you are good at asking questions. You are good at talking to people. You are good at showing your feelings. And you are great at being silly." Anna does not understand why Ms. Weaver is telling her about her skills. She asks, "But what does all that mean?"

本课的学习技巧是总结,概述。Ms. Weaver告诉Anna说,“你很善于提问题,善于跟别人交流,善于表达自己的情绪,也很搞笑。” Anna不明白Ms. Weaver为什么要告诉她这些。

In answering the question, Ms. Weaver summarizes, "I have a new assignment for you! Your skills are perfect for a new show … a children’s show." When we summarize we tell a story or report on information in fewer words. We tell the most important information and do not include many details. Summarizing helps us remember new information and practice using new words.

Ms. Weaver总结说,“我有一项新工作要交给你。你的这些能力很适合做一个新节目,一个儿童节目。”做总结的时候,我们要用更精炼的语言,来讲述一件事情或是汇报某些信息,把最重要的信息说出来,省略细节。总结概述可以帮助我们记住新信息,练习使用新词汇。

How do you summarize when learning English? Write to us in the Comments section or send us an email. Teachers, see the Lesson Plan for more details on teaching this strategy.

Quiz 测试

​Listen to short videos and test your listening skills with this quiz.

Quiz - Lesson 19: When Do I Start?

Quiz - Lesson 19: When Do I Start?

Start the Quiz to find out


New Words 新词汇

arrive - v. to come to or reach a place after traveling
arrive - 动词,抵达
assignment - n. a job or duty that is given to someone
assignment - 名词,工作,任务
child - n. a young person (plural: children)
child - 名词,孩子
closed - adj. not operating or open to the public
closed - 形容词,关闭的
deep - adj. having a large distance to the bottom from the surface or highest point
deep - 形容词,深的
everyone - pron. every person; everybody
everyone - 代词,每个人
fire - v. to dismiss (someone) from a job
fire - 动词,解雇
idea - n. a thought, plan, or suggestion about what to do
idea - 名词,主意,想法,计划
mean - v. to cause or result in (something)
mean - 动词,意味着
month - n. any one of the 12 parts into which the year is divided
month - 名词,月
Mt. Everest - n. a mountain in Asia; it is the highest mountain in the world
Mt. Everest - 珠穆朗玛峰,世界最高峰
ocean - n. the salt water that covers much of the Earth's surface
ocean - 名词,海洋
other - adj. used to refer to the one person or thing that remains or that has not been mentioned
other - 形容词,另外一个
outer space - n. the region beyond the Earth's atmosphere in which there are stars and planets
outer space - 名词,外太空
perfect - adj. having all the qualities you want in that kind of person or situation
perfect - 形容词,完美的
silly - adj. playful or funny
silly - 形容词,搞笑的
skill - n. an ability to do something that comes from training, experience, or practice
skill - 名词,技能
ton n. informal: a large amount; in the US, a ton is a unit for measuring weight that equals 2,000 pounds (907 kilograms)
ton 名词,非正式:大量的。在美国,一吨相当于2000磅,即907公斤


Free Materials 免费学习材料

Word Book
Word Book

Download the VOA Learning English Word Book for a dictionary of the words we use on this website.

Each Let's Learn English lesson has an Activity Sheet for extra practice on your own or in the classroom. In this lesson, you can use it to practice describing people.

For Teachers 教师资源

Lesson Plan - Lesson 19
Lesson Plan - Lesson 19

See the Lesson Plan for this lesson for ideas and more teaching resources. Send us an email if you have comments on this course or questions.

Grammar focus: Which as an adjective alone and with pronouns; Adjectives next and every

Topics: Saying the months of the year; Talking about seasons and activities​

Learning Strategy: Summarize

Speaking & Pronunciation Focus: Using which and which one to offer a choice; using every and next with time expressions; Pronunciation of February


Now it's your turn. Send us an email or write to us in the Comments section below or on our Facebook page to let us know what you think of this lesson.

Special request to teachers and English learners:

As you see in this lesson's video, Anna is going to have a new children's program. What should she call the program? Let us know in the Comments section or by email. We'll send a special thank you to the person who suggests the best name.