普京比较喜欢按照自己意愿修改宪法,他通过与梅德韦杰夫的政治默契修改宪 法,一是延长总统任期,二是改变总统选举方法,造成了俄罗斯政坛最高层的“二人转”现象,等于没有终身制名义的权力终身制——普京喜爱的修改宪法、权力由一党垄断等政治方式,也素为中共所喜,还宣称打算坚持一百年。
俄罗斯人也了解这些相似性,因此俄罗斯一些人权活动人士对此奖的评说是: “中国人记录恶劣,普京也同样不尊重人权,中国把类似的奖项颁发给普京这种人,普京当之无愧。”
Confucius Peace Prize a mirror for Putin
Written by He Qinglian on November 22, 2011
Translated By kRiZcPEc
There is nothing more embarrassing in the world than when someone solemnly gives out an award, believing that it brings honor to a recipient who sees that as a disgrace and shows contempt by remaining silence. Such an incident has just occurred: China International Center for Peace Studies (CICPS) awarded in November this year Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin the Second Confucius Peace Prize, to which both Putin himself and the Russian government have been unresponsive.
What is even more embarrassing for CICPS is that the Russian ruling party, of which Putin is a leader, cited on its website comment from Sergey Dorenko, a famous journalist: this prize “is worth absolutely nothing and that more and more unknown minor prizes are trying to connect themselves to Putin through any means”.
CICPS gave this award to Putin on the grounds that during his presidency from 2000 to 2008, Putin had greatly lifted Russia’s military might and its political status; that he quelled the Chechen anti-government armed forces; and that in early 2011, he opposed NATO’s proposal to air strike against Libya. By the way, all these reasons fit perfectly the position the Chinese government has held for years.
Looking at this incident from the viewpoint of CICPS, there really is no reason Vladimir Putin would dislike this prize. Since Vladimir Putin came to power, Russia has shown the trend of reverting to Soviet Union. When Western democracies like the United States and European countries are by and large critical of the political inclination of Vladimir Putin, the “new Czar”, China was the only country that offered him great public opinion support.
This support first manifested itself in Russia and China embracing each other to get warm. And the ties between the two countries peaked in 2006, when Russia held a “China year” for China and China held a “Russia year” for Russia. Vladimir Putin visited China in that year, receiving not only the highest level of reception from the government but also the heartiest welcome a foreign state leader would get from the public when visiting the country. When U.S. presidents visited China, the Chinese authorities included in activities at Tsinghua University and Beijing University sessions which “patriotic” students questioned and criticized them. There was no such hassle for Vladimir Putin. Wherever he went in China, he was greeted only with flowers in full bloom.
Special features on Vladimir Putin, packed with all sorts of praises, appeared in various websites. Rather than being seen as a stain, Vladimir Putin’s KGB background added to his mystic charisma in the eyes of the Chinese people. There were even websites publishing stories that female netizens had chosen Vladimir Putin to be “the world’s most charming man”, many of them passionately screamed “Putin, I love you”, effectively turning these websites into windows displaying poems of love. And of course, there is no way I can tell whether fifty centers were behind these. But for a country so accustomed to the hollow, pious pretense in political and public space, a country full of “patriotic” angry youth, it should be considered rare generosity that these female were allowed to express their passionate love for Vladimir Putin to such zealous levels.
And Vladimir Putin’s political inclination bears many aspects of resemblance to that of Beijing indeed. For example, they both firmly opposed “Color Revolutions”, which broke out in former soviet countries during the mid-noughties of this century: Kyrgyzstan’s Yellow Revolution, Georgia’s Rose Revolution, and Ukraine’s Orange Revolution. While democracies of the world applauded them, only Vladimir Putin and China shared the same opposite stance, expressing their deep resentment against the Color Revolutions, and they both thought that behind these revolutions “the ghost of the United States lingered”.
Apart from media under Putin’s control, China’s state media like Xinhua Agency was probably the only one that would highly commend the measures Vladimir Putin had taken at that time to curb the spread of Color Revolutions. To this day, the article “With Three Successive Measures, Putin Completely Contains the Color Revolution” by Sheng Shiliang, a reporter at Banyuetan (literally, Half-month talk), a Xinhua Agency’s publication, still makes one feel the admiration the author had for Vladimir Putin.
Vladimir Putin likes to control public opinion in pretty much the same way as Beijing does, yet his grip falls short of Beijing in comparison. Russia passed in 1991 the Law of the Russian Federation “On MassMedia”, setting a more stringent outline of the rights and obligations of Russian media and journalists. Thereafter, some media groups not controlled by the government appeared in Russia.
When Vladimir Putin became the President, he felt that media oligarchs were shaking the foundation of the country and launched a crackdown on several newspapers across different federal subjects alongside some privately owned television stations, kicking start the nationalization process of media. Since then, media controlled by the Russian government are banned from criticizing their state leaders.
In mid-March 2007, Vladimir Putin ordered to set up a supervision bureau that was tasked with adjustment, inspection and supervision of media, information and communication technology, cultural heritage protection, copyright and other ownership rights, and radio management organization activities. With this new supervision bureau, it became easier for the Russian government to track down and put pressure on independent media.
A KGB major in the former Soviet Union, Vladimir Putin has all along been particularly interested in the rule of secret police. Since Putin’s rise to power, Russia has been on a path that leads it further and further away from its former socialist brotherhood countries in Eastern Europe that embarked on the road of democratization. Poland and the Czech Republic has started to clean up the dirt of communism a long time ago, yet similar actions have not been taken in Russia; to this day in China, the various crimes committed during Mao’s era have yet to be cleared, and secret police have infiltrated into the daily lives of the Chinese people.
Vladimir Putin prefers to modify the constitution to his liking. With the tacit political understanding between him and Dmitry Medvedev, Putin made amendments to the constitution, extending the presidential term, changing the method of presidential election, and thereby giving rise to the turn-taking between the two at the top of Russian political arena, which is tantamount to bringing forth the de facto tenure of power which lacks only the name. Putin’s love for constitutional amendment and for the political means of one-party power monopoly is shared by the Chinese Communist Party, which claimed to have intention to stick to the Socialist path for a hundred years.
The Russians too understood these parallels. Human rights activists of that country made the following comment on this award: China has poor human rights record; Putin disregards human rights equally. People like him deserve to receive prizes similar to this from China.
I thought it over and really couldn’t find any reasons for Vladimir Putin not to like this Confucius Peace Prize CICPS awarded him. If a reason must be given no matter what, then that would be because Russia, when Putin lives and rules, is nicknamed the Double-headed eagle, which likes to turn one head to the East and the other to the West.
Turning one head to the East, or the worship of dictatorship, is Russia’s innate disposition; turning the other to the West is the skill that Russia learned only during the reign of Peter the Great. Because of the innate Oriental characteristic, Vladimir Putin comes to have this [autocratic] disposition; and having learned hard from the West, Putin knows after all that dictatorship is what the West despises. With a sense of shame, Vladimir Putin realizes that “birds of a feather flock together”, and in the mirror of Confucius Peace Prize he saw his ugliness, which should probably be the main reason he responded to the award with silence.
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Japanese translation by @tkucminya (Takeuchi Jun)
この種の支持は互いに熱烈な抱擁で始まる。06年がその頂点。ロシアは’中国イヤー’を実施し、中国は’ロシアイヤー’を開催。で、プーチンは訪中し中国 は最高級の待遇で迎えたし、民間の歓迎だってどこの国の元首に対するよ,オバマ米大統領が来た時は北京大学や精華大学で”愛国青年”との会見があったけ ど、そんな面倒なしで、何処でもとにかく大歓迎。ネットには美辞麗句が溢れKGB上がりの経歴も神秘的魅力を増しこそすれ汚点じゃなかった。
ネットではある女性が彼を「いま世界で一番魅力的な男」に選出したと書かれ、大勢の女の子が「プーチン、愛してる!」とラブコールを送ったほど。むろん五 毛(政府御用ネット担当)がやったかどうかはしらない。でも、政治じゃあどうでもいいような空々しいばかりで、しかも”怒れる愛国青年達”が満ち満ちてい るお国柄としては、自国の女子が他国の領袖に熱狂してラブコールを送るのを許す、なんてことはまず滅多に無い太っ腹でしょう。
プーチンの政治的特徴はほんとに北京政府に似てる所が多々有るわ。どちらも”ジャスミン革命”に断固反対だし。キルギスタンの黄色革命、グルジャのバラ革 命、ウクライナのオレンジ革命なんかに世界は拍手したけれど。でも、プーチンと中国は全く同じ呼吸でこの「カラー革命」を骨の随まで憎んだし「背後には米 国の陰がある」と信じていた。
プーチンはソ連GPU出身で秘密警察による秩序維持を好む。プーチン政権後、ロシアと東欧諸国とは距離が離れるばかりだ。ポーランドやチェコはとっくに共 産主義の垢、特に秘密警察の犯罪などを清算した。だが、ロシアはそんなことはしていない。ーー中国はといえば毛沢東時代の数々の罪悪を清算せず秘密警察は すでに中国人の日常生活の中に迄浸透している。
プーチンは自分の好む様に憲法を修正した。メドベジェーエフとの政治的黙契によって改憲し、大統領の任期を延長し、選挙の方法を変えロサイアの最高政治指 導者を「2人交代制」にした。これは、事実上大統領の終身制に等しい。こうしたプーチンのやり方、つまり一党独裁制は、まさに中共が喜ぶ所の「社会主義迄 まだ100年は現状を堅持する」とピッタリである。
実際、プーチンがこの「孔子平和賞」を喜ばない理由はないのだ。もし無理にでもその理由を探すとすればそのカギはロシアが「双頭のタカ」と呼ばれるからか もしれない。つまり頭の一つは東を向き、もう一つは西側を見ている。東側はロシアの生まれつきの独裁制、西側はピーター大帝時にから始まった西側にまなん だ技術・テクである。
普京比较喜欢按照自己意愿修改宪法,他通过与梅德韦杰夫的政治默契修改宪 法,一是延长总统任期,二是改变总统选举方法,造成了俄罗斯政坛最高层的“二人转”现象,等于没有终身制名义的权力终身制——普京喜爱的修改宪法、权力由一党垄断等政治方式,也素为中共所喜,还宣称打算坚持一百年。
俄罗斯人也了解这些相似性,因此俄罗斯一些人权活动人士对此奖的评说是: “中国人记录恶劣,普京也同样不尊重人权,中国把类似的奖项颁发给普京这种人,普京当之无愧。”
Confucius Peace Prize a mirror for Putin
Written by He Qinglian on November 22, 2011
Translated By kRiZcPEc
There is nothing more embarrassing in the world than when someone solemnly gives out an award, believing that it brings honor to a recipient who sees that as a disgrace and shows contempt by remaining silence. Such an incident has just occurred: China International Center for Peace Studies (CICPS) awarded in November this year Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin the Second Confucius Peace Prize, to which both Putin himself and the Russian government have been unresponsive.
What is even more embarrassing for CICPS is that the Russian ruling party, of which Putin is a leader, cited on its website comment from Sergey Dorenko, a famous journalist: this prize “is worth absolutely nothing and that more and more unknown minor prizes are trying to connect themselves to Putin through any means”.
CICPS gave this award to Putin on the grounds that during his presidency from 2000 to 2008, Putin had greatly lifted Russia’s military might and its political status; that he quelled the Chechen anti-government armed forces; and that in early 2011, he opposed NATO’s proposal to air strike against Libya. By the way, all these reasons fit perfectly the position the Chinese government has held for years.
Looking at this incident from the viewpoint of CICPS, there really is no reason Vladimir Putin would dislike this prize. Since Vladimir Putin came to power, Russia has shown the trend of reverting to Soviet Union. When Western democracies like the United States and European countries are by and large critical of the political inclination of Vladimir Putin, the “new Czar”, China was the only country that offered him great public opinion support.
This support first manifested itself in Russia and China embracing each other to get warm. And the ties between the two countries peaked in 2006, when Russia held a “China year” for China and China held a “Russia year” for Russia. Vladimir Putin visited China in that year, receiving not only the highest level of reception from the government but also the heartiest welcome a foreign state leader would get from the public when visiting the country. When U.S. presidents visited China, the Chinese authorities included in activities at Tsinghua University and Beijing University sessions which “patriotic” students questioned and criticized them. There was no such hassle for Vladimir Putin. Wherever he went in China, he was greeted only with flowers in full bloom.
Special features on Vladimir Putin, packed with all sorts of praises, appeared in various websites. Rather than being seen as a stain, Vladimir Putin’s KGB background added to his mystic charisma in the eyes of the Chinese people. There were even websites publishing stories that female netizens had chosen Vladimir Putin to be “the world’s most charming man”, many of them passionately screamed “Putin, I love you”, effectively turning these websites into windows displaying poems of love. And of course, there is no way I can tell whether fifty centers were behind these. But for a country so accustomed to the hollow, pious pretense in political and public space, a country full of “patriotic” angry youth, it should be considered rare generosity that these female were allowed to express their passionate love for Vladimir Putin to such zealous levels.
And Vladimir Putin’s political inclination bears many aspects of resemblance to that of Beijing indeed. For example, they both firmly opposed “Color Revolutions”, which broke out in former soviet countries during the mid-noughties of this century: Kyrgyzstan’s Yellow Revolution, Georgia’s Rose Revolution, and Ukraine’s Orange Revolution. While democracies of the world applauded them, only Vladimir Putin and China shared the same opposite stance, expressing their deep resentment against the Color Revolutions, and they both thought that behind these revolutions “the ghost of the United States lingered”.
Apart from media under Putin’s control, China’s state media like Xinhua Agency was probably the only one that would highly commend the measures Vladimir Putin had taken at that time to curb the spread of Color Revolutions. To this day, the article “With Three Successive Measures, Putin Completely Contains the Color Revolution” by Sheng Shiliang, a reporter at Banyuetan (literally, Half-month talk), a Xinhua Agency’s publication, still makes one feel the admiration the author had for Vladimir Putin.
Vladimir Putin likes to control public opinion in pretty much the same way as Beijing does, yet his grip falls short of Beijing in comparison. Russia passed in 1991 the Law of the Russian Federation “On MassMedia”, setting a more stringent outline of the rights and obligations of Russian media and journalists. Thereafter, some media groups not controlled by the government appeared in Russia.
When Vladimir Putin became the President, he felt that media oligarchs were shaking the foundation of the country and launched a crackdown on several newspapers across different federal subjects alongside some privately owned television stations, kicking start the nationalization process of media. Since then, media controlled by the Russian government are banned from criticizing their state leaders.
In mid-March 2007, Vladimir Putin ordered to set up a supervision bureau that was tasked with adjustment, inspection and supervision of media, information and communication technology, cultural heritage protection, copyright and other ownership rights, and radio management organization activities. With this new supervision bureau, it became easier for the Russian government to track down and put pressure on independent media.
A KGB major in the former Soviet Union, Vladimir Putin has all along been particularly interested in the rule of secret police. Since Putin’s rise to power, Russia has been on a path that leads it further and further away from its former socialist brotherhood countries in Eastern Europe that embarked on the road of democratization. Poland and the Czech Republic has started to clean up the dirt of communism a long time ago, yet similar actions have not been taken in Russia; to this day in China, the various crimes committed during Mao’s era have yet to be cleared, and secret police have infiltrated into the daily lives of the Chinese people.
Vladimir Putin prefers to modify the constitution to his liking. With the tacit political understanding between him and Dmitry Medvedev, Putin made amendments to the constitution, extending the presidential term, changing the method of presidential election, and thereby giving rise to the turn-taking between the two at the top of Russian political arena, which is tantamount to bringing forth the de facto tenure of power which lacks only the name. Putin’s love for constitutional amendment and for the political means of one-party power monopoly is shared by the Chinese Communist Party, which claimed to have intention to stick to the Socialist path for a hundred years.
The Russians too understood these parallels. Human rights activists of that country made the following comment on this award: China has poor human rights record; Putin disregards human rights equally. People like him deserve to receive prizes similar to this from China.
I thought it over and really couldn’t find any reasons for Vladimir Putin not to like this Confucius Peace Prize CICPS awarded him. If a reason must be given no matter what, then that would be because Russia, when Putin lives and rules, is nicknamed the Double-headed eagle, which likes to turn one head to the East and the other to the West.
Turning one head to the East, or the worship of dictatorship, is Russia’s innate disposition; turning the other to the West is the skill that Russia learned only during the reign of Peter the Great. Because of the innate Oriental characteristic, Vladimir Putin comes to have this [autocratic] disposition; and having learned hard from the West, Putin knows after all that dictatorship is what the West despises. With a sense of shame, Vladimir Putin realizes that “birds of a feather flock together”, and in the mirror of Confucius Peace Prize he saw his ugliness, which should probably be the main reason he responded to the award with silence.
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Japanese translation by @tkucminya (Takeuchi Jun)
この種の支持は互いに熱烈な抱擁で始まる。06年がその頂点。ロシアは’中国イヤー’を実施し、中国は’ロシアイヤー’を開催。で、プーチンは訪中し中国 は最高級の待遇で迎えたし、民間の歓迎だってどこの国の元首に対するよ,オバマ米大統領が来た時は北京大学や精華大学で”愛国青年”との会見があったけ ど、そんな面倒なしで、何処でもとにかく大歓迎。ネットには美辞麗句が溢れKGB上がりの経歴も神秘的魅力を増しこそすれ汚点じゃなかった。
ネットではある女性が彼を「いま世界で一番魅力的な男」に選出したと書かれ、大勢の女の子が「プーチン、愛してる!」とラブコールを送ったほど。むろん五 毛(政府御用ネット担当)がやったかどうかはしらない。でも、政治じゃあどうでもいいような空々しいばかりで、しかも”怒れる愛国青年達”が満ち満ちてい るお国柄としては、自国の女子が他国の領袖に熱狂してラブコールを送るのを許す、なんてことはまず滅多に無い太っ腹でしょう。
プーチンの政治的特徴はほんとに北京政府に似てる所が多々有るわ。どちらも”ジャスミン革命”に断固反対だし。キルギスタンの黄色革命、グルジャのバラ革 命、ウクライナのオレンジ革命なんかに世界は拍手したけれど。でも、プーチンと中国は全く同じ呼吸でこの「カラー革命」を骨の随まで憎んだし「背後には米 国の陰がある」と信じていた。
プーチンはソ連GPU出身で秘密警察による秩序維持を好む。プーチン政権後、ロシアと東欧諸国とは距離が離れるばかりだ。ポーランドやチェコはとっくに共 産主義の垢、特に秘密警察の犯罪などを清算した。だが、ロシアはそんなことはしていない。ーー中国はといえば毛沢東時代の数々の罪悪を清算せず秘密警察は すでに中国人の日常生活の中に迄浸透している。
プーチンは自分の好む様に憲法を修正した。メドベジェーエフとの政治的黙契によって改憲し、大統領の任期を延長し、選挙の方法を変えロサイアの最高政治指 導者を「2人交代制」にした。これは、事実上大統領の終身制に等しい。こうしたプーチンのやり方、つまり一党独裁制は、まさに中共が喜ぶ所の「社会主義迄 まだ100年は現状を堅持する」とピッタリである。
実際、プーチンがこの「孔子平和賞」を喜ばない理由はないのだ。もし無理にでもその理由を探すとすればそのカギはロシアが「双頭のタカ」と呼ばれるからか もしれない。つまり頭の一つは東を向き、もう一つは西側を見ている。東側はロシアの生まれつきの独裁制、西側はピーター大帝時にから始まった西側にまなん だ技術・テクである。