
中国时间 4:02 2025年2月8日 星期六

何清涟: 官方基尼系数为何引发质疑潮?













中国的“灰色收入”有多大?恐怕这是一个无解之秘。2012年5月中国官方公布的一个数据可做参考:中国30年来共有420万党政人员涉及腐败,其中有 90名省部官员被查处。中国人从当局以保守态度公布的腐败案件中知道,贪官贪污的数额动辄超过几千万、上亿,最高数额的腐败案件是铁道部运输局局长张曙光的28亿美元。他们也知道贪官拥有的住房动辄超过十几套,几十套。最近中国河南郑州出现一位拥有31处房产的“房妹”。经查,其父翟振锋是郑州市二七区房管局局长。


除此之外,大多数中国人还有他们不知道的“国家机密”,即中国红色家族利用权势积累的巨额财富。对这些家族的致富之道、财富规模及藏宝之地,那更是一般人无法知晓的禁区。 也因此,中国官媒才能够脸不改色心不跳地发表全世界独裁者的财富故事并大加斥责。

但2012年中国高层的权力斗争给世界带来了了解中国高层如何敛财的机会。由于中国高层权斗剑拔弩张,双方都将自己掌握的绝密资料透露给外媒,以此打击对方。《纽约时报》、彭博(Bloomingberg)等媒体记者利用这些资料,使用当年跟踪美国水门事件的两名记者——伍 德沃德和伯恩斯坦(Woodward-and-Bernstein)曾采用的方式,跟踪资金流动,终于为世界掀开了中国红色家族财富的冰山一角。(请见本人VOA博文:一张中国财富秘密流动的路线图 )




何清漣 @HeQinglian 氏
Translated by @Minya_J 東京




④ 殊に中国公衆が不満なのはこの10年、百万米ドルの資産家は67万戸に達し全世界3位で米国、日本に次いだ。が同時に家賃高騰、就職難、貧富の差拡大等問題も増々突出した。社会底辺から上昇するのは増々困難どころか、少なからぬ中産階級が一瞬にして底辺に没落した。

⑤ このようなとき、中国政府はメディアへの締め付けをできる限り強化したが、中国人はメディアが偶然に暴露する数字の中から、富の少数への集中を知っていた。2010年からよく引用される数字はこうだ。

⑥ 国家財政統計部によると1割の富裕過程が全市民の財産の45%を占有し、最低の1割の家庭は総額の1.4%しか占めてない事。中国では低収入層か中流の下層が合計64.30%を占める。

⑦ 国連の貧困標準によれば、毎日の生活費が1.25米ドル以下の層は2005年で人口の19%、即ち2.54億人が極度の貧困にある、と。

⑧ 中国政府の宣伝によると米国が世界で尤も冨が集中、貧富の差が大きいと。が世界銀行の研究報告では「米国では5%が60%の富を握っている。

⑨ しかし中国では1%が41.4%の富を握っている、と中国人は知っている。中国の富の寡占度は遥かに米国を越え、世界で最も両極端の差が酷い国家なのだ。

⑩ 国家統計局は十年間、ジニ係数をヒミツにして発表しなかった。しかし他の国際的、国内研究機関は研究結果を発表して来た。中国に英語文献を読める人は今では少なく無い。だから国連統計などからメディアもよく引用している。

⑪ 「2010年の中国ジニ係数は0.52を突破、世界4位」「2011年に0.55越え依然世界4位」と。国連の190数カ国のうち、完全な統計がある 国家は150か国。その中でジニ係数が0.49を越える国は十に満たない。トップ10は中国を除くとすべてアフリカとラテンアメリカ国家だ。

⑫ 国連の190数カ国のうち、完全な統計がある国家は150か国。その中でジニ係数が0.49を越える国は十に満たない。トップ10は中国を除くとすべてアフリカとラテンアメリカ国家である。



⑭ おそらく、この世界無比のジニ係数0.61の与える悪影響を打ち消す為に、国家統計局はこの10年のジニ係数を発表せざるをえなかったのだろう。しかし政府の統計は、民間のそれと違い過ぎ、その結果人々が沸き返る様な疑問を生み出した。

⑮ 中には「貧富の格差を解消できないから、ジニ係数の格差を解消した」との声もあった。




⑱ しかし、”灰色収入”は秘密にされており、影でこっそり行われる。そして中国国家統計局の計算する「ジニ係数」はこれに「腐敗係数」を掛けたりはしていないわけで、実際の中国の貧富の差を反映することができていないのだ。

⑲ では”灰色収入”はどのぐらい?おそらく解明する方法は無い。ただ2015年5月、中国政府が発表した数字が参考になるかも。中国は30年来合計420万人の党員が腐敗汚職に関わった。その中に90人の省部級役人(*高級役人の意かな?)が処分された。

⑳ 中国人は腐敗について発表を渋る当局の保守的な態度から、汚職事件の額は数千万、あるいは億に達すると知っている。最高額は鉄道部運輸局の张曙光局長の28億米ドルである。

(21) また汚職官吏の不動産も10数件から数十軒になる。最近、河南省鄭州のある役人が31か所の不動産と房妹がいることがわかり、調べたらその父、翟振锋は市の27区管理局長だった。

(22) だがこうして処罰されるのは氷山の一角であって、”発生したが各種の理由で未調査、或は調査されても処罰無し、だったり「腐敗のうちにいれられない腐敗」など「腐敗黒数」といわれるものの比率は約80%から95%だろう。

(23) これ以外にも、”国家機密”、即ち中国の共産貴族の家族が権勢を利用してつみあげた巨額の財富についてはその方法も金額も規模はわかってないし、一般人の知るすべもない”禁区”である。


(25) しかし、2012年中国のトップ層の間での権力闘争によって中国の高官がどうやって蓄財のチャンスを得たかが暴露された。双方が互いに自分が握っている相手の秘密資料を外国メディアにもらし”相打ち”になった。

(26) ニューヨークタイムズやBloomingberg等の記者がこれらの資料をつかって、ウォーターゲート事件のウッドワード&バーンスタインのやり方で資金流動を洗い上げた。

(27) そして、ついに世界ではじめて中国の赤色貴族の財富の氷山の一角をあばいたのだった。(http://voachineseblog.com/heqinglian/2013/01/foreign-media/)

(28) このニュースは中国では完全に隠蔽されているが、それでも色々なルートの口コミで中国人の間に広がっている。ジニ係数が増々高くなるということは、一つの社会の貧富の差がますます大きくなるということだ。

(29) 大学生の失業問題が深刻になり、社会的上昇の道がけわしく、貧困から代々抜け出せなくなる現象は明白になっている。

(30) 一つの社会に明るい未来を描けない人たちが満ち満ちるなら、増々、社会への怨念が累積し、解消するのは困難になるだろう。 (*原文はhttp://voachineseblog.com/heqinglian/2013/01/gini-coefficient/ 拙訳御免。ご指摘歓迎 @minya_j )

Takeuchi Jun
@Minya_J 東京


Numbers About China’s Social Inequality Don’t Add Up
Official data widely seen as attempt to hide growing potential for social unrest

By He Qinglian Created: January 31, 2013 Last Updated: January 31, 2013


Villagers hold banners during a protest rally by residents of Wukan, a fishing village in the southern province of Guangdong, as they demand action over illegal land grabs and the death in custody of a local leader, on Dec. 19, 2011. Professor Xie Yielang of Beijing University, citing internal regime numbers, has said that in 2009 in China there were 230,000 mass incidents–riots or protests of more than 50 people, an indication of China’s growing social instability. (STR/AFP/Getty Images)


China’s National Bureau of Statistics recently published Gini coefficients for 2003 through 2012 after a decade of silence on this topic. The data shows the coefficient peaked in 2008 at 0.491 but has gradually dropped since then. According to the official statistics, in 2012 it stood at 0.474.

However, the numbers have been widely questioned. Most college-educated Chinese know that the Gini coefficient is an index measuring inequality, and a Gini coefficient of 0.4 and above may lead to social unrest.

Doubt Over Government’s Credibility

Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao’s 10-year rule not only exhausted China’s environment and overdrew its financial power (with local governments deeply in debt), but what’s worse, it expended the government’s credibility. In particular, the fact that million-dollar households in China amounted to 670,000—the third highest in the world and next to only the United States and Japan—has irritated the public the most.

At the same time, with housing prices soaring and unemployment and income inequality worsening, those in the lower class find moving up increasingly difficult, while those in the middle class can easily slip down.

In the midst of intensifying social polarization and social degeneration, the tidbits of information that have made it through tight censorship have given ordinary Chinese occasional peeks into how China’s wealth has been centralized in the hands of a few.

According to a set of Chinese Ministry of Finance data widely quoted since 2010, the wealthiest 10 percent of households possesses 45 percent of wealth in urban areas, while the poorest 10 percent of households owns only 1.4 percent.

Many Chinese also know that 64.3 percent of the Chinese population falls into the low and mid-low income groups. As recently as 2005, 19 percent of the population, or 254 million, lived below the international poverty line of a $1.25 per day.

The propaganda of the Chinese communist regime claims the United States has the highest concentration of wealth and highest income inequality in the world. But according to the World Bank, 5 percent of Americans controls 60 percent of the country’s total wealth, while in China 1 percent households owns 41.4 percent.

This means the concentration of wealth in China has far exceeded that in the United States, and China has become the most polarized country in the world.

While the Bureau of Statistics had kept the nation’s Gini coefficient as a secret for a decade, other research institutes have publicized their own findings.

The United Nations estimated that the number for China was over 0.52 in 2010, fourth highest in the world, and would go above 0.55 in 2011 while remaining fourth highest.

Among the more than 190 countries in the United Nations, about 150 have complete statistics, and less than 10 have Gini coefficients higher than 0.49. China’s number is only slightly lower than the world’s three most impoverished countries.

In December 2012, the Chinese Household Finance Survey Center of Chengdu’s Southwestern University of Finance and Economics cited a 0.61 Gini coefficient based on a 2010 survey of 8,438 Chinese households. The report also said that such an enormous income gap as exists in today’s China is a rarity in the world.

China’s Bureau of Statistics publicized its version of a decade’s worth of Gini numbers soon after the Southwestern University report was released, probably in an attempt to neutralize its effect. But the wide gap between the official numbers and other organizations’ statistics has been widely questioned.

Some bloggers said mockingly that there’s nothing you can do about income polarization, so you just change the Gini coefficient.

Blind Spot: Gray Income

A large portion of China’s social wealth is distributed in the form of gray income—the significant portion of urban residents’ income that is outside of state supervision and control.

While officials and the rich can easily obtain a large amount of gray income, ordinary Chinese rarely have such opportunities. The National Bureau of Statistics was not able to take into consideration the income from corruption in its Gini calculation, so the Bureau’s number cannot accurately reflect China’s real income gap.

The exact size of China’ gray income is impossible to know, but official data published in May 2012 gives some clue. In the past 30 years, 4.2 million Party officials were involved in corruption, including 90 provincial or ministry-level officials who were investigated and punished.

Although Chinese authorities have been conservative about making corruption cases public, many cases reported by the media involved embezzlement of tens or hundreds of millions of dollars.

The highest publicized record is held by Zhang Shuguang, the former director of the Transportation Bureau at the Ministry of Railways. He was sacked and accused of funneling US$2.8 billion into his offshore bank account.

In addition, corrupt officials often own tens of houses. For example, Chinese media recently reported that a former housing administration official was arrested because his immediate family members own 31 houses.

But what has been exposed is only a very small portion of the actual corruption in China. About 80 percent to 95 percent of corruption cases remain unpublicized or unpunished.

Most Chinese do not have the privilege of hearing a “state secret.” The red aristocrats, however, have used their powers to amass huge fortunes, and the sources, size, and whereabouts of their money are well-kept secrets. That’s why the state-run media could rebuke foreign dictators’ extravagance without feeling embarrassed.

But in 2012 a crack appeared in the official stonewalling about the wealth of the top regime figures. Political factions leaked confidential information their antagonists’ wealth to the world’s media in order to get the upper hand in a fierce power struggle. Reporters from the New York Times and Bloomberg exposed the tip of the iceberg of the red aristocrats’ wealth.

Though these media reports were censored in China, the stories have been widely spread through word-of-mouth.

A higher Gini coefficient means a greater income gap. As unemployment among new college graduates rises and the pathway to higher social status is blocked, poverty is passed down to the next generation in the impoverished population. If a society has more and more poor who can’t see a brighter future, hatred will build up and become unsolvable.

He Qinglian is a prominent Chinese author and economist. Currently based in the United States, she has authored “China’s Pitfalls,” which concerns corruption in China’s economic reform of the 1990s, and “The Fog of Censorship: Media Control in China,” which addresses the manipulation and restriction of the press. She regularly writes on contemporary Chinese social and economic issues.