
中国时间 14:53 2025年2月20日 星期四




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B: Welcome to American English Mosaic, I'm Mike Bond!

A: And I'm Lin Yang.

B: Today we are going to take a look at the business world. What do you need to enter the global market? A competitive product, great service, and a little thing called international certification!

A: 我们还要来看看开车用手机带来的安全隐患!

B: And in words and idioms, we will learn what "put in mothballs" and "quit while one's ahead" means!

A: All coming up on American English Mosaic!

B: Now let's go into our first segment, Learn a word!

Learn A Word 1802 distracting

今天我们要学的词是distracting. Distracting is spelled d-i-s-t-r-a-c-t-i-n-g, distracting. Distracting 形容词,意思是分散注意力的。A new study shows that hands free cell phones are two times more distracting for motorists than those not using a cell phone behind the wheel. 一项最新研究显示,跟开车时完全不用手机的人相比,使用免提手机的司机注意力分散程度要高出一倍。澳大利亚的另外一项关于驾车安全的研究说,Children riding in the car are 12 times more distracting to drivers than cell phones. 孩子让开车人分散注意力的危险程度是手机的12倍。这一点估计做父母的都深有体会。好的,今天我们学习的词是 distracting, distracting, distracting...

A: Yeah, nothing is more dangerous than being distracted while you are driving. People with smart-phone addiction should pay special attention to this, ahem ahem...

B: Ok Ok, I have to admit I've been guilty of that. I agree with you though, texting while driving is extremely dangerous. Nothing is more precious than your life, nothing is so important that it can't wait till you park your car.

A: I know! But today we are just too attached to our smart phones; Now we're habitually checking them without even knowing we are doing it!

B: Yeah...The first thing I do in the morning is check my phone for emails and Facebook updates....

A: We are definitely checking our emails and social media more than necessary these days...Hmm, I was about to buy a smart phone for my niece for her birthday. Now I'm thinking that plan should be put in mothballs...

B: Hmm...you certainly need to make it clear to her when she's allowed to use it! Well, to continue our class, you just mentioned a interesting idiom,put in mothballs.

A: Let's check it out!

Words and Idioms 857 PUT IN MOTHBALLS

美国习惯用语第 857 讲


M: Put in mothballs. Mothballs is spelled m-o-t-h-b-a-l-l-s. Put-in-mothballs.

mothball 在中文里是卫生球,樟脑丸。put in mothballs 就是束之高阁,无限期搁置的意思。My show idea has been put in mothballs. 我新节目的提案就这样被无限期地搁置起来了,不知道什么时候才有时间去做。


M: "My son loves the ice skates his grandmother gave him. I don't think he realizes they had been mine when I was his age. Mom had PUT them IN MOTHBALLS, not sure if anyone would ever get any use from them. I'm sure glad she'd decided not to throw them out."


我祖母也是一样,什么东西都不舍得扔。She puts everything in mothballs. 家里跟个二手店似的。英语里有个词专门形容这种人,叫 packrat, p-a-c-k-r-a-t, packrat。好的,让我们再来听听上面那段话。

M: "My son loves the ice skates his grandmother gave him. I don't think he realizes they had been mine when I was his age. Mom had PUT them IN MOTHBALLS, not sure if anyone would ever get any use from them. I'm sure glad she'd decided not to throw them out."


M: "Our town clearly supports building a history museum. But the mayor came out to say that he's PUTTING the proposal IN MOTHBALLS for now. Apparently there isn't enough funding available. Still, no one's giving up hope that it can be reconsidered in the not-to-distant future."


M: "Our town clearly supports building a history museum. But the mayor came out to say that he's PUTTING the proposal IN MOTHBALLS for now. Apparently there isn't enough funding available. Still, no one's giving up hope that it can be reconsidered in the not-to-distant future."

Put in mothballs 最早是二十世纪四十年代出现的,如果更简单一点的话,可以直接把 mothball 做为动词来用,比如我可以说,My show idea has been mothballed. 或者说 The mayor is mothballing the proposal for a new museum.

好的,这次美国习惯用语就到此结束了。我是杨晨,我是 Douglas Johnson。这次节目的制作人是胡小玲。谢谢各位的收听。

M: Until next time.


M: This has been Words and Idioms.

A: Because of sequestration, a lot of government projects are being put in mothballs.

B: Yeah, the budget situation is not pretty right now. But I think the whole economic picture is on the right track. Actually, because of the expansion in international market, hiring in the private sector is on the rise again in our area.

A: 对啊! 现在所有公司都要攻占国际市场,全球化嘛!

B: And that will lead to an important procedure called international certification.

A:国际认证! 大家都听过这个词儿,到底这都需要哪些程序呢?

B: Let's find it out in today's Business Etiquette!

礼节美语International Certification I

一家香港公司的老板 Hank 带 Chris 去见部门主管 Rebecca。

Hank: Rebecca, I'd like you to meet Chris Lee.

Rebecca: How do you do, Mr. Lee?

Chris: Very well, thank you. And call me Chris.

H: Chris is here to walk us through the certification process.

R: Why are we getting certified?

老板 Hank 为部门主管 Rebecca 引见 Chris。Chris is here to walk us through the certification process. 原来,Chris 是要帮他们公司完成国际认证程序。to walk someone through something 意思是带某人按部就班完成某一程序。这里用的名词 certification is spelled c-e-r-t-i-f-i-c-a-t-i-o-n, 意思是认证,动词则是 certify, c-e-r-t-i-f-y, certify. 这家公司为什么要申请国际认证呢?

C: You're required to get certified by an independent auditor before beginning business with certain American companies.

H: And as we just landed that new account in California, we have to get the ball rolling on this ASAP.

R: Ok, what is required?

C: To be honest, it's quite a lengthy list of things. Let's start with safety issues.

原来,要跟特定美国公司做生意,就必须通过 independent auditor 独立审计师,完成国际认证。公司在加州刚找到一个新客户,just landed a new account. 这里的 account 不是帐户,而是指正式商业伙伴和客户。所以,we have to get the ball rolling on this ASAP. 所以要立刻开始申请国际认证。to get the ball rolling, 意思是着手做某件事。ASAP 是 as soon as possible 意思是立即动手。Chris 说,申请国际认证非常繁琐,首先是安全方面的要求。

C: We need to make sure there are fire extinguishers on every floor and there should be proper ventilation.

H: I think we are already compliant in these areas.

C: Workers need to wear protective gear if they're near dangerous chemicals or machines.

R: Yes, we already require that.

C: Also, we need to make sure your factory is safe from the threat of terrorism.

Chris 说,每层楼都要有灭火器,fire extinguisher, 要有通风设施,ventilation, 靠近化学物品和危险仪器的员工要穿戴保护性工作服 wear protective gear。这些都没问题。We are already compliant in these areas. 这些措施公司已经在做了。compliant is spelled c-o-m-p-l-i-a-n-t, compliant 意思是遵守的,服从的。可是,生产家用产品的公司为什么要防范恐怖袭击呢?我们下次继续听。

A: 老板Hank说,公司just land a new account, 刚刚在加州争取到一个新客户进行国际业务,所以要get international certification, 国际认证。Chris来这里walk them through the process, 来帮助他们按步就班完成这个程序。与美国公司合作,程序很多,他们需要get the ball rolling ASAP, 立即开始这项程序。

B: International certification is a very complicated process and involves a lot of change and compromise. But once you get certified, you can open a lot of new doors.

A: Yep, in today's economy, you can't just stay in the domestic market. You need to improve yourself so you can fit into the global village economic model!

B: True! Let's keep listening to Chris and see what else the company needs to do!

礼节美语International Certification II

Chris 向一家香港公司的老板 Hank 和部门主管 Rebecca 介绍申请国际认证的程序。首先是安全,其中还有防范恐怖袭击的要求。老板 Hank 表示不解。

C: Well, after the terrorist attacks on September 11th, all the rules and regulations have become much stricter. If you ship a container to the United States, it could possibly be used by bad guys to send dangerous materials.

R: So what kind of precautions do we need to take?

C: You need to have a 24-hour surveillance and alarm system set up, and the doors and gates should be monitored by guards to make sure only those who should be in the factory are in the factory.

H: That's pretty reasonable and I think we can handle that.

Chris 解释说,九一一恐怖袭击事件发生后,保安方面的要求严格了很多。要得到国际认证,需要安装全天候的监视和警报系统,24-hour surveillance and alarm system; 门口需要警卫站岗。老板 Hank 觉得,这些要求很合理,pretty reasonable, 公司完全可以做到。We can handle that. Chris 继续说,

C: Ok, let's move on to the next point: treatment of workers.

H: You know, I don't mean to be rude, but why do U.S. companies need to know how we treat our workers? That's an internal affair, isn't it?

C: I can understand your frustration, but nowadays it's a big issue. A few years ago, many activist groups began targeting the big American retailers. They demanded that the big sellers prove that the cheap items they are selling weren't made by child laborers or through other unethical practices.

除去安全保障措施外,还有工人待遇的问题。Hank 不明白,自己公司的事情,internal affair, 美国公司为什么要插手。Chris 解释说,这是因为几年前,一些人权活动团体开始针对美国一些主要零售商家,要求他们证明,自己出售的廉价商品,没有使用童工 child laborers, 也没有其它unethical practices不正当的做法。

R: So now any company that sells to the big retailers has to prove they are above board?

C: Yep. And it's not just America. When you sell to Europe you have to do the same thing in fact, the European laws are even stricter!

H: Well, I guess I can understand their position, but it is quite a hassle.

R: Yeah, but it's worth it. As soon as we're certified we can sell our goods all across Europe and the U.S.

因此,现在凡是这些美国零售商的供货商家,都必须证明,They are above board. 他们的经营方式是光明正大的。虽然申请国际认证很麻烦,it is quite a hassle. 可是 Rebecca 觉得值,it's worth it. 因为有了国际认证,跟美国和欧洲公司做生意就可以畅通无阻了。

A: 原来,国际认证中还有一大部分涉及到如何对待员工。比如,不使用童工, child labor, 没有不正当的做法, no unethical practices。老板觉得,it's quite a hassle, 很麻烦,但是Rebecca 认为,一旦完成,公司就能自由与美国和欧洲国家做生意了。

B: I agree international certification is a hassle, but it's worth it. The employees get fair treatment, and the companies can expand their business into the global market. It's a win-win situation.

A: 没错! 好啦,国际认证就先到这里,我们下面换个话题,来听今天的learn a word!

Learn A Word 1803 sibling

今天我们要学的词是sibling. Sibling is spelled s-i-b-l-i-n-g, sibling. Sibling 是兄弟姐妹的意思。Sibling rivalry is a normal part of growing up. 兄弟姐妹间的竞争是成长中很正常的一部分。Normal rivalries with siblings can foster healthy competition. 正常的你争我斗可以促进孩子间的健康竞争。然而,有时候,这种争斗也会对孩子的心理造成严重伤害。一项最新研究就发现,Bullying by a sibling can be as damaging as bullying by a classmate, neighbor, or other peers. 被自己的兄弟姐妹欺负,跟被同学,邻居或是其他同龄人欺负,会对孩子造成同等的伤害。好的,今天我们学习的词是 sibling, sibling, sibling...

A: I so wish I had a brother or a sister...

B: Haha, be careful what you wish for...when I was growing up, my sister and I fought all the time.

A: But you also learn how to share and compromise during those fights!

B: Well, we used to fight a lot when we were little kids. But then I grew up and got bigger than my older sister, and she decided to quit while she's still ahead!

A: 哈哈,she's the clever one! 哎,你刚提到了一个俗语:quit while one's ahead, let's check it out!

Words and Idioms 858 QUIT WHILE ONE'S AHEAD

美国习惯用语第 858 讲这么多年来我最喜欢的一家冰激凌店居然要关门了。我问经理是怎么回事,经理说本来公司经营得很好,结果拓展业务,增加商品,反倒失去了很多老顾客。这让我想起了今天要学的习惯用语,叫:

M: Quit while one's ahead. Quit is spelled q-u-i-t, and ahead; a-h-e-a-d. Quit-while-one's-ahead.

Quit 在中文里是停止、放弃的意思。ahead 意思是在前面。Quit while one's ahead 就是中文里所说的见好就收。就说我喜欢的那家冰激凌店吧,本来卖冰激凌挺赚钱的,可偏偏要增加产品种类,结果反而造成了服务和产品质量的下降。They should have QUIT WHILE THEY WERE AHEAD。他们本该见好就收才对。下面例句里玩扑克牌的人就明白这一点。我们一起听。

M: "I'm not the greatest poker player. But so far tonight, I've managed to win about $500. If I stay in the game, I stand to make even more. But I also risk losing it. I think I'll QUIT WHILE I'M AHEAD. That way, I'm sure to walk out with a nice pot of money I hadn't expected."


我老爸告诉过我,他年轻时有一次刚领了工资就被朋友拉着去赌场,一上来赢了不少,可是 He didn't QUIT WHILE HE WAS AHEAD. 最后输了个精光,整整吃了一个月的方便面。好的,让我们再来听听上面那段话。

M: "I'm not the greatest poker player. But so far tonight, I've managed to win about $500. If I stay in the game, I stand to make even more. But I also risk losing it. I think I'll QUIT WHILE I'M AHEAD. That way, I'm sure to walk out with a nice pot of money I hadn't expected."

我喜欢看电影,特别是老片子。上星期,我又把七十年代的几部经典影片拿出来看。大家一定看过 GODFATHER“教父”,如果没有的话,请听下面这段介绍。

M: "Have you watched "The Godfather", a thriller about the lives of a fictional Italian-American crime family? It's ranked as the second greatest film in our country's cinematic history. After it won several Academy Awards, a sequel was planned. Although producers considered QUITTING WHILE THEY WERE AHEAD, they soon went on to make "The Godfather, Part II". It also received Oscars, including one for Best Picture."


你也许会问,那排名第一的电影是哪部?排名第一的电影就是"CITIZEN KANE"公民凯恩。好的,我们再来听一下上面那个例句。

M: "Have you watched "The Godfather", a thriller about the lives of a fictional Italian-American crime family? It's ranked as the second greatest film in our country's cinematic history. After it won several Academy Awards, a sequel was planned. Although producers considered QUITTING WHILE THEY WERE AHEAD, they soon went on to make "The Godfather, Part II". It also received Oscars, including one for Best Picture."


M: Until next time.


M: This has been Words and Idioms.

A: Mike, it looks like you have put on 15 pounds while I was gone, I think it's time for you to quit while you're ahead!

B: Well I think.....Uh.... darn I can't argue with you when you're right.........

A: 好了同学们,这次节目时间就到这里了。

B: Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!

A: See you next time!