
中国时间 18:08 2025年2月27日 星期四

VOA现场: 争夺人才 - 美国与高技能人才移民


政治家们经常呼吁采取行动来加强美国的竞争力,指责他们的政治对手推行南辕北辙的政策。与此同时,学术界的一些人认为,国家竞争力根本就没有意义。 经济学家克鲁格曼甚至说,“困在竞争力的谜团里不但是错误的,而且是危险的。”面对学术界针对竞争力概念提出的挑战,美国企业研究所召集了一些专家来深入 研究竞争力的概念在不同领域的不同价值。



华盛顿时间:2012年1月31日星期二 上午9点-10:30
北京时间:2012年1月31日星期二 晚上10点-11:30


8:45 AM
Registration and Breakfast

9:00 AM
Immigration, Productivity and Competitiveness in American Industry


GORDON HANSON, University of California, San Diego\


BARRY R. CHISWICK, George Washington University



10:30 AM

Speaker Biographies:

Barry R. Chiswick has been a professor and chair of the Department of Economics at George Washington University since January 2011. Previously, he taught in the Department of Economics, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). He was also founding director of the UIC Center for Economic Education (2000ǔ2010) and program director for migration studies at IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor in Bonn, Germany (2004ǔ2011). From 1973 to 1977 he was senior staff economist at the Presidentós Council of Economic Advisers. He is a former chairman of the American Statistical Association Census Advisory Committee; past president of the European Society for Population Economics, the Midwest Economics Association and the Illinois Economics Association; and a consultant to numerous U.S. government agencies, the World Bank and other international organizations. He is currently associate editor of the Journal of Population Economics and Research in Economics of the Household and on the editorial boards of four additional academic journals. Mr. Chiswick is considered the leader in the field of the economics of immigration and also has an international reputation for his research in labor economics, human resources, the economics of minorities and of religion, and income distribution. He has published 18 books and monographs and over 170 scholarly journal articles and book chapters, in addition to other publications. His recent book is "The Economics of Language," with Paul W. Miller (Routledge, 2007).

Gordon Hanson is director of the Center on Emerging and Pacific Economies and professor of economics at the University of California San Diego (UCSD), where he holds faculty positions in the School of International Relations and Pacific Studies and the Department of Economics. He is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a co-editor of the Review of Economics and Statistics. Before joining UCSD in 2001, he was on the economics faculty at the University of Michigan (1998ǔ2001) and the University of Texas (1992ǔ1998). In 2011, Mr. Hanson received the Chancellorós Associates Award for Excellence in Research in Social Science and the Humanities from UCSD. He specializes in the economics of international trade, international migration and foreign direct investment. He has published extensively in the top academic economics journals, is widely cited for his research by scholars across the social sciences and is frequently quoted in major media outlets. His current research examines the international migration of skilled labor, border enforcement and illegal immigration, the impact of imports from China on the U.S. labor market, and the determinants of comparative advantage. His most recent book is "Regulating Low-Skilled Immigration in the United States" (AEI Press, 2010).

Kevin Hassett is the director of economic policy studies and a senior fellow at AEI. Before joining AEI, he was a senior economist at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and an associate professor of economics and finance at the Graduate School of Business of Columbia University, as well as a policy consultant to the Treasury Department during the George H. W. Bush and Clinton administrations. He served as an economic adviser to the George W. Bush 2004 presidential campaign, chief economic adviser to Senator John McCain during the 2000 presidential primaries and senior economic adviser to the McCain 2008 presidential campaign. Mr. Hassett also writes a column for National Review.




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