
中国时间 16:20 2024年10月5日 星期六





美 - 墨 - 加协议(USMCA)支撑1.2万亿美元的年度贸易额, 预计特朗普总统及加拿大和墨西哥首脑在60天内签署。


美国贸易代表莱特希泽和加拿大外交部长方慧兰在一份联合声明中说,“美 - 墨 - 加协议将为我们的工人、农民、牧场主和企业提供高标准的贸易协议,这将使我们地区有更自由的市场,更公平的贸易和强劲的经济增长,” “它将强化中产阶级,为将北美召回家园的近5亿人创造良好,高薪的工作和新机会。”








一位美国高级官员告诉记者, “这不仅仅是纸上的文字,这是实打实的。”

New US-Canada Trade Pact Reached

After intense last-minute discussions ahead of a self-imposed midnight deadline, U.S. and Canadian officials announced late Sunday they reached a trade deal, allowing a modified three-way pact with Mexico to replace the nearly quarter-century old North American Free Trade Agreement.

The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) — underpinning $1.2 trillion in annual trade — is expected to be signed in 60 days by President Donald Trump and his Canadian and Mexican counterparts.

Trump hailed the "wonderful new Trade Deal" on Monday and calling it a "great deal for all three countries" that "solves the many deficiencies and mistakes in NAFTA."

“USMCA will give our workers, farmers, ranchers and businesses a high-standard trade agreement that will result in freer markets, fairer trade and robust economic growth in our region,” said U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland in a joint statement. “It will strengthen the middle class, and create good, well-paying jobs and new opportunities for the nearly half billion people who call North America home.”

The U.S. agreement with Ottawa will boost American access to Canada’s dairy market — with some concessions on its heavily protected supply management system — while shielding the Canadians from possible U.S. auto tariffs.

Steel and aluminum tariffs imposed by Washington, will remain, however. Canada had demanded protection from Trump’s tariffs on imported steel and aluminum.

The metal tariffs discussions are on a “completely separate track,” according to a senior U.S. official.

However, NAFTA's Chapter 19 dispute resolution system will remain intact.

Leaving a Sunday night 75-minute Cabinet meeting, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau only said it was “a good day for Canada.”

The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) in the United States declared itself “extremely encouraged” by initial details of the new three-way pact.

“As we review the agreement text, we will be looking to ensure that this deal opens markets, raises standards, provides enforcement and modernizes trade rules so that manufacturers across the United States can grow our economy,” said NAM President and Chief Executive Officer Jay Timmons.

“This administration is committed to strong and effective enforcement of this agreement,” a senior U.S. official told reporters. “This is not going to just be words on paper. This is real.”








他对受灾者说,“我们没想到会像这样。我们为社区祈祷,并保持希望和耐心,”他说, “我们知道有很多事情要尽快做,但现在的状况是不可能的。”







Indonesia: Death Toll of More Than 800 Likely to Rise

Indonesia's President Jokowi Widodo has authorized the acceptance of international help related to the earthquake and tsunami that hit the central island of Sulawesi.

Chair of Indonesia's Investment Coordinating Board Thomas Lembong made the announcement in a tweet Monday morning.

There were 844 confirmed deaths by early Monday, with the city of Palu on Sulawesi the hardest hit.

Indonesian officials say they fear the death toll from Friday's earthquake and tsunami could soar into the thousands when rescuers are able to get to remote areas.

The airport is barely functioning, most power plants have been knocked off-line, and roads are shattered and twisted.

Touring Palu Sunday, Indonesian President Joko Widodo said one of the immediate needs is to bring in the heavy equipment needed to move large pieces of rubble.

"We didn't expect it to be like this. So we hope and pray for the communities and be patient," he told disaster victims. "We know that there are a lot of things to do urgently, but the condition is not now possible."

He told soldiers deployed to the area to be ready to work nonstop.

Television pictures from Palu show buildings, cars and trees pushed together to form mounds of wreckage.

The 7.5-magnitude quake triggered a huge tsunami with waves as high as 6 meters, which inundated the cities of Palu and Donggala.

Authorities say hundreds of people were on the beach in Palu for a festival when the earthquake and tsunami struck, sweeping many away to their deaths when the giant waves arrived.

Indonesia and its 18,000 islands are located along the Pacific Ocean's "Ring of Fire" and are frequently struck by earthquake, volcano and tsunami activity.

A 9.1-magnitude quake in 2004 off Sumatra and subsequent tsunami killed about 230,000 people in 14 Pacific countries, with about half of those deaths occurring in Indonesia.