
中国时间 16:31 2024年10月5日 星期六







这次会议将由前中国人民银行行长周小川和高盛前总裁约翰 • 桑顿主持。




其中一位消息人士表示: “他们并不想要感觉良好而已,而必须是需要改革和开放市场的具体的、可采取行动的领域。”消息人士补充说,中国政府官员的目标是向美国金融公司保证,北京真心实意接受他们的想法。


China turns to Wall Street for ways to improve relationship with the US

China will ask Wall Street firms for ways to improve ties with the United States and suggestions to open up its financial sector at a day-long meeting in Beijing on Sunday, people familiar with the matter said.

The Chinese government sent invitations for the hastily-convened meeting a few weeks ago as trade tensions between the world’s two largest economies appeared to be headed for a full-blown trade war.

Top financial firms in both countries are sending representatives to the meeting, although heavyweight invitees such as Blackstone’s Stephen Schwarzman were unable to rearrange their schedules to attend the meeting, a source said.

The meeting will be chaired by Zhou Xiaochuan, former governor of the People’s Bank of China, and John Thornton, ex-president of Goldman Sachs.

Attendees will also meet with Chinese vice-president Wang Qishan on Monday morning after the full-day Sunday session, according to an invitation reviewed by Reuters.

Zhou and Thornton have asked participants to give one or two specific ideas on how to further open up China’s financial sector as well as suggest ways to “forge normal U.S.-China relations for the benefit of our two countries and the world.”

The people, who have knowledge of the meeting, declined to be named as the roundtable details were not public.

The meeting ideas should be accompanied by specific action points, said one source who was briefed on the agenda.

“They don’t want something feel-good. It’s got to be specific actionable areas where reform and opening markets is needed,” said one of the sources.

Chinese government officials will aim to reassure the U.S. financial firms that Beijing is genuinely receptive to their ideas, the source added.

The meeting comes as the United States is readying a final list of $200 billion in Chinese imports on which it plans to levy tariffs of between 10 and 25 percent in the coming days.



美国财政部宣布,被列入黑名单的是中国银星,其朝鲜籍首席执行官Jong Song Hwa及其在俄罗斯的姊妹公司沃拉苏斯银星公司。









US blacklists NKorean-controlled IT firms in China, Russia

The Trump administration blacklisted two North Korean-controlled information technology companies based in China and Russia on Thursday as it pushed for progress by Kim Jong Un's government on denuclearization.

The Treasury Department announced it was designating China Silver Star, its North Korean CEO Jong Song Hwa, and its Russia-based sister company, Volasys Silver Star.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said that the sanctions were intended to stop the flow of illicit revenue to North Korea from overseas IT workers hiding behind front companies and aliases. The designation blocks any property those targeted may have in the U.S. and prohibits Americans from doing business with them.

North Korea sells a range of IT services and products abroad, including website and app development, security software, and biometric identification software that have military and law enforcement applications, Treasury says.

The U.S. said that the companies targeted are also linked to the organizations involved in North's weapons program. China Silver Star, also known as Yanbian Silverstar Network Technology Co., is associated with the Munitions Industry Department of North Korea's ruling party which oversees the nation's ballistic missile programs, and with a state corporation that obtains commodities and technology to support North Korean defense research and procurement.

As of mid-2018, China Silver Star had earned millions of dollars from collaborative projects with Chinese and other companies, and the Russia-based Volasys Silver Star, established in early 2017, had earned hundreds of thousands of dollars in under a year, the Treasury said. Both companies are managed by North Koreans.

Although virtually all North Koreans lack access to the internet, the U.S. says that IT is not only a source of revenue for its authoritarian government but used by the North for theft and intimidation.

Last week, U.S. federal prosecutors charged a North Korean computer programmer with devastating cyberattacks that hacked Sony Pictures Entertainment and unleashed the WannaCry ransomware virus that infected computers in 150 countries and crippled parts of the British health care system. U.S. officials believe the Sony hack was retribution for "The Interview," a comedy starring Seth Rogen and James Franco in a plot to assassinate Kim. North Korea denied involvement.

The Trump administration has kept up sanctions pressure on the North, despite the historic summit between President Donald Trump and Kim in June that dialed down nuclear tensions between the adversaries.

That meeting, the first ever between leaders of the U.S. and North Korea, has been followed by a diplomatic impasse over how to achieve the agreed-upon goal of denuclearization. Still, the White House said Monday that Trump has received a request from Kim for a second summit, and planning is in motion to make it happen.