
中国时间 18:33 2024年10月5日 星期六










Trump Fears Mueller May Use Interview to Charge Him with Perjury

President Donald Trump says he fears any statements he would give to special counsel Robert Mueller could be used to charge him with perjury.

Mueller is investigating alleged collusion between Trump's 2016 campaign and Russian meddling in the presidential election. He is also looking into whether Trump obstructed justice by trying to derail the probe.

Trump declined to say whether he would agree to sit down with Mueller, or if he would strip Mueller of his security clearance. He also said he has the power to step in and run the special investigation himself.

Earlier Monday, Trump called the Mueller investigation "a national disgrace" and tweeting that Mueller "is just someone looking for trouble."

Mueller's investigators have uncovered several instances of Trump campaign contacts with Russia, including a 2016 meeting at Trump Tower in New York where Donald Trump Jr. met with a woman said to be a Russian government attorney who promised incriminating information on Trump's challenger, Democrat Hillary Clinton. No such anti-Clinton information came out of the meeting.

When news of the meeting surfaced after Trump became president, he dictated a misleading statement about the talks, claiming they were about adoption of Russian children.

He then said the meeting was a routine political meeting and he did not know about it in advance.



萨尔瓦多外长卡洛斯•卡斯塔内达(Carlos Castaneda)在8月21日星期二解释了该国转变邦交国的原因。他说:“萨尔瓦多有着悠久的斗争历史。今天,通过我们的决策,我们希望能够为所有萨尔瓦多人民带来利益,为每





El Salvador cut off relations with Taiwan

El Salvador has cut off formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan, switching to Beijing, putting further pressure on the self-ruled island to admit that it is part of the Chinese mainland.

El Salvador's Foreign Minister (Carlos Castaneda) explained Tuesday why the switch was made. "El Salvador has a long history of struggle. Today, through our decision making, we hope that we can bring benefits to all our citizens, to bring hope to everyone and to be better prepared for future challenges."

El Salvador is the third nation to switch ties from Taiwan to China this year, following on the heels of the Dominican Republic and the West African nation of Burkina Faso, leaving just 17 small, poor countries to recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation.

Joseph Wu, Taiwan's Foreign Minister said: "We will keep walking ahead. Such pressure from China will only make us more determined to continue our path of democracy, freedom and sovereignty. Thank you."

Wu denounced China's "dollar diplomacy" during his announcement, referring to Beijing's efforts to isolate Taipei from the international community with the lure of economic incentives.