
中国时间 5:13 2025年3月4日 星期二






俄罗斯星期一正式公布的选举结果显示,普京以77%的票数第四次当选总统。包括欧洲安全与合作组织的彼得森大使在内的在莫斯科的国际观察人士说,这次选举“缺乏真正的竞争” 。







White House: Trump Not Scheduled to Congratulate Putin on Re-election

Hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin won re-election, White House officials said his victory was no surprise, and they have no plans for President Trump to call Putin to congratulate him on the victory.

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said the United States will work with Russia where it can.“We will work to cultivate the relationship with Russia and we will impose costs when Russia threatens our interests, but we will also look for places to work together when it serves our interests,” Gidley said.

Official results Monday show Putin won his fourth term with 77 percent of the vote. The election “lacked real competition” according to International Observers in Moscow, including Ambassador Jan Petersen of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Observers also said the election campaign was flawed by “restrictions on the fundamental freedoms of assembly, association and expression as well as on candidate registration and those have limited the space for political engagement.”

Putin’s most popular and formidable opponent, Alexei Navanly was barred from the ballot after organizing nationwide protests again Putin. Navalny said there were unprecedented violations, and that all over the country, the Russian government drove people to the polls to make sure turnout was high.

“You can see that the turnout, for the first time in Russian history, has moved to the morning. So most of the voters came to polls at 8 a.m. Well, it’s unlikely that any sane person could say it’s a normal course of voting. All of them were driven there. Well, we understand that happened, it was a true (organized) re-election of Putin.”

Video surfaced from a number of different polling places in Russia of people stuffing multiple ballots into boxes.

Alexander Vershbow is a former U.S. Ambassador to Russia, and a fellow at the Atlantic Council. He agreed that there was no real competition for the election.

“Candidates obviously played their roles in this political theater, so that it all looks like a competition, but it’s more of a farce than real elections. It’s a masquerade, of course.”

Vershbow added: “I will be really disappointed if President Trump congratulates Putin with his win in this so-called election.”



联合国难民事务高级专员伊德·拉阿德·侯赛因(Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein)说,7年前,儿童受到折磨,然而叙利亚政府让肇事者逍遥法外。2011年,一些学生用油漆喷写反政府标语后被逮捕,随后发生的抗议学生被捕的示威受到政府镇压,最后引发叙利亚全面内战。




UN Human Rights Chief Urges Accountability for Syrian War Crimes

The U.N. Human Rights Chief chastised the Syrian government Monday for its role in starting the conflict in its country and criticized the Security Council for not being more decisive in ending the suffering.

“It all began seven years ago almost to the day with the torture of children, and the impunity given by the Syrian state to those torturers,” High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad al Hussein said. He was referring to a group of school boys from Daraa who in 2011 painted anti-government graffiti that led to arrests, a crackdown on peaceful protests, and eventually full-fledged conflict.

The government of President Bashar al-Assad has said it is only conducting counter-terrorism operations, not attacking its own civilians.

The high commissioner noted that unlawful methods of warfare have been used by all parties to this conflict, not just the government.

He scolded the U.N. Security Council for not taking “decisive action” to defend human rights and prevent further loss of life, including using and threatening the use of the veto to protect parties to the conflict.

He again called for atrocities committed in Syria to be referred to the International Criminal Court at The Hague. An unlikely action, as it would require a Security Council referral and Russia has used its veto 11 times since the start of the conflict to spare the Assad government from sanctions or other measures.