
中国时间 8:58 2025年3月4日 星期二










House Passed Tax Bill

The U.S. House of Representatives passed significant changes to the nation’s tax code for the first time in three decades and by a comfortable vote margin Thursday, giving President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans a much-needed win after a year of legislative setbacks.

“This is nothing short of extraordinary,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said after the vote, noting that getting the needed number of 218 House members to agree on anything was an achievement.

Ryan’s long-held goal of reforming the nation’s tax code appeared in jeopardy earlier this year after Republicans tried and failed to deliver on another long-term campaign promise: repealing and replacing former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

Republican leadership appeared visibly relaxed on the House floor as the vote totals moved toward passage and earlier in the day after Trump gave a last-minute speech of encouragement at the party’s weekly conference meeting.

Despite optimism among House Republicans, the bill now faces a much tougher path to passage in the Senate.

Late Thursday, a Senate tax-writing panel approved its own overhaul bill that will be sent to the full Senate after next week's Thanksgiving holiday. The Senate bill already faces strong opposition from Democrats, who call the bill a tax break for the wealthy.

美国扫荡MS-13黑帮 逮捕267人



这此扫荡行动分为两个阶段,目的是抓获MS-13 帮派成员,摧毁他们的财务网络。镇压行动在奥巴马政府时期就开始了,在川普政府领导下加大了力度。



美国司法部长塞申斯说,这些人的落网是川普消灭MS-13 帮派努力的重大步骤。MS-13 的成员在美国各地制造了一系列引起轰动的凶杀案。

US Announces Arrests of 267 MS-13 Gang Members in Latest Sweep

U.S. law enforcement officials announced on Thursday the arrest of nearly 300 members of MS-13, a violent gang the Trump administration has vowed to get off America's streets.

The arrests were made in recent weeks as part of a major anti-gang crackdown. Led by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the operation swept up 214 MS-13 members in the United States and 53 members in El Salvador, the gang's home base, officials said.

The two-phase operation, aimed at MS-13 members and their global financial networks, was begun under the administration of former President Barack Obama but has escalated under President Donald Trump.

The initial, 18-month phase ended in September and netted 51 arrests in El Salvador, officials said at a news conference in Washington.

The second phase, running from October 8 to November 11, resulted in the latest arrests in the United States and El Salvador.

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions touted the arrests as an important step in the Trump administration's effort to stamp out MS-13, whose members have been implicated in a series of high-profile murders around the country.