
中国时间 20:10 2025年3月4日 星期二

双语新闻 (2017年7月19日)

美国犹他州前州长洪博培2012年参加共和党候选人角逐,在南卡罗莱纳州发表讲话 (2012年1月16日)
美国犹他州前州长洪博培2012年参加共和党候选人角逐,在南卡罗莱纳州发表讲话 (2012年1月16日)














洪博培曾在接受Politico 采访时表示,他不会参加2016年总统大选。2016年4月,洪博培决定支持共和党候选人川普,但是后来又撤回了他的支持。

Who is Jon Huntsman?

Former Governor of Utah Jon Huntsman Jr. has served in the administrations of four U.S. presidents and is now being considered by the fifth.

On Tuesday, the White House announced that President Donald Trump will nominate Huntsman as U.S. Ambassador to Russia.

Born in March 1960, Huntsman is the motorcycle-driving son of billionaire Jon Huntsman Sr, who founded a large chemical manufacturer.

He dropped out of high school to play keyboard in a rock band, later finishing school and graduating from the University of Pennsylvania. He also served as a Mormon missionary in Taiwan, and speaks fluent Mandarin.

After university, Huntsman worked as an aide in President Ronald Reagan's White House, and, while still in his early 30s, President George H. W. Bush appointed him ambassador to Singapore.

Later he served as a trade official under President George W. Bush, and ran the Huntsman family's holding company.

In 2004, he ran for governor of Utah promising to simplify the state's tax code, develop industry and reform the state's Mormon-inspired alcohol restrictions. He was elected governor with 58% of the vote.

After his re-election in 2008 with 78% of the vote, he began meeting national political consultants and his name began to surface in discussions about the Republican party's prospects for the 2012 race.

In May 2009, President Barack Obama nominated Huntsman to be ambassador to China.

Towards the end of 2010, Huntsman told Newsweek magazine he thought he and his family "may have one final run left in our bones." In 2011, Huntsman resigned his post in order to return to the United States with his family to pursue the nomination of the Republican Party for president of the United States.

Initially, Huntsman looked like a promising candidate with his foreign policy experience, moderate position on some social issues, and his fiscal conservatism. But shortly after a disappointing third-place finish in the 2012 New Hampshire Republican Primary, Huntsman resigned from the race.

In January 2014, Huntsman was named chairman of the think-tank the Atlantic Council.

Huntsman indicated in an interview with Politico that he would not run in the 2016 presidential election. In April 2016, Huntsman decided to endorse Republican nominee Donald Trump, but later retracted his endorsement.













Turkey Jails 6 Human-Rights Activists for 'Aiding Terrorists'

Turkey has jailed six human-rights activists, including Amnesty International's Turkey chief, for allegedly aiding terrorists.

Police arrested the six during a raid on a hotel on the island of Buyukada on July 5, during a digital security workshop. On Tuesday a court in Istanbul ordered them to remain behind bars until a trial.

In addition to Amnesty's director of operations in Turkey, Idil Eser, German and Swiss human-rights workers were among the detainees.

Turkish media reports said the six are accused of having been in contact with Kurdish and leftist militants and suspected members of the movement led by exiled Muslim cleric Fetullah Gulen - once President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's close ally, but now at the top of the Turkish government's most-wanted list.

"This is not a legitimate investigation. This is a politically motivated witch hunt that charts a frightening future for rights in Turkey," Amnesty secretary general Salil Shetty said Tuesday.

The United States also condemned the arrests.

"Prosecutions like these with little evidence or transparency undermine Turkey's rule of law and the country's obligation to respect individual rights," State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert told reporters.

The U.S. urged Turkey to drop the charges, free the six prisoners, and lift provisions of the country's state of emergency that allow what the U.S. spokeswoman called the "indiscriminate prosecutions of individuals."

Turkey extended its post-coup state of emergency three more months this week, shortly after voters narrowly approved a referendum to amend the constitution and expand President Erdogan's powers.

U.S. President Donald Trump congratulated Erdogan on his referendum victory, but many European Union leaders fear the impending constitutional changes will further erode human rights and free speech in Turkey and muzzle the opposition.

More than 50,000 people have been arrested during a yearlong crackdown since last year's coup. In addition, 110,000 civil servants, members of the military and law-enforcement agencies were dismissed for either participating in the coup or actively sympathizing with the plotters.