
中国时间 2:07 2025年3月5日 星期三










Trump Making His First Official Visit to Israel

Air Force One is scheduled to make a historic non-stop flight between Riyadh and Tel Aviv Monday.

It remained unclear hours before takeoff from Saudi Arabia if the president's plane would be permitted to fly to Israel without a "technical stop," as was mandated for the accompanying press charter which departed earlier in the morning.

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is scheduled to brief reporters aboard Air Force One during the flight, according to the White House. This follows a flap on Sunday when he spoke to foreign reporters in Riyadh alongside Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir. The U.S. press corps traveling with the president was not notified in advance of the news conference.

President Donald Trump is making his first stop in Israel as a president who wants to revive the effort to achieve a long-sought peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.

Trump's schedule includes meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and Trump is due to become the first sitting U.S. president to visit Judaism's holiest site, the Western Wall.

The last peace negotiations broke down in 2014.



这份21页的报告描述了军事政变失败后实施紧急管制而任意遣散10万多名公共领域雇员的做法。“国际特赦”土耳其问题研究员安德鲁·加德纳表示,“人们失去的不仅是工作,而且职业生涯被毁;家庭被毁。这是大批人面临的灾难性局面,而且没有结束的迹象” 。




Amnesty slams Turkey’s crackdown

"No End in Sight" is the title of the British-based Amnesty International report into the ongoing crackdown in Turkey, after July's failed coup.

The 21-page report focuses on what it describes as the arbitrary dismissals of more than 100,000 public service workers, since the introduction of emergency rule after a botched military takeover. "People are losing not only their jobs, but also their professional careers are destroyed; their family lives are destroyed; this is a disastrous situation facing a vast number of people," warns Andrew Gardner, Amnesty's Turkey researcher, "and there appears no end in sight."

The Amnesty report says mass firings cover all fields of public service, including the armed forces, police, teachers, doctors and academics, as well as people working across all ministries and local government.

The report was compiled from interviews of human rights lawyers, local NGOs, trade unions and those who've been dismissed. It claims that those fired are provided with only "generalized justification" and no specific evidence against them. All dismissals are done by presidential decrees using emergency powers.

Ankara claims the crackdown is necessary due to the unprecedented threat posed by the coup attempt, in which more than 200 people died.