
中国时间 7:17 2025年3月16日 星期日


**埃及又有人上街抗议 焚烧政府建筑**


埃及国营电视台和目击者说, 数百名穆斯林兄弟会的支持者星期四袭击了吉萨的政府办公机构,放火点燃大楼入口。另有数百人在亚历山大游行示威,要求让穆尔西复职。





Protesters Attack Government Building in Cairo, New Protests Underway

Supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi are launching new protests, some setting fire to a government building in Cairo.

Egyptian state TV and witnesses say hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood supporters attacked government offices Thursday in Giza, torching the entrance. Separately, hundreds of marched through Alexandria demanding Mr. Morsi's return.

The renewed protests and violence follow Wednesday's violent crackdown by Egypt's military on Morsi supporters gathered in protest camps around Cairo and fighting in Alexandria and Suez.

Video being distributed by the Muslim Brotherhood showed hundreds of bodies wrapped in shrouds at Cairo's El Iman mosque. Egypt's health ministry says Wednesday's violence killed at least 525 people and wounded more than 3,700. The Muslim Brotherhood has put the death toll at more than 4,500.

Authorities had warned for days they would move against the protest camps.

The interior minister in the military-backed interim government, Mohamed Ibrahim, defended the actions of security forces, insisting they used minimum force against the camps and only fired tear gas.

Ibrahim blamed the Brotherhood for creating what he called a state of mayhem across the country by shooting at police, attacking government buildings and burning churches. But witnesses reported security forces firing live ammunition.

**马里确认凯塔当选新总统 政变上尉变将军**







Mali Confirms Huge Election Win for New President

Mali's government has confirmed Ibrahim Boubacar Keita won a landslide victory in Sunday's presidential election runoff.

The government released figures on Thursday showing the former prime minister captured 77.6 percent of the vote.

His rival, former finance minister Soumaila Cisse, won just over 22 percent. Cisse had already conceded defeat.

Confirmation of Mr. Keita's victory followed the announcement that the army captain who led a coup in March 2012 has received a huge promotion.

On Wednesday, military officials said the interim government had promoted Amadou Sanogo to general, a promotion that skips over several military ranks.

Rights groups have criticized the decision. Human Rights Watch says Sanogo, instead of being "rewarded," should be investigated for his alleged involvement in serious abuses linked to the coup.