
中国时间 0:56 2025年3月4日 星期二



涉嫌向总统大儿子寄白色粉末 一名男子被逮捕








Man Arrested for Allegedly Sending White Powder to Donald Trump, Jr.

A Massachusetts man who allegedly sent an envelope filled with white powder to Donald Trump, Jr. was arrested Thursday and charged with using the mail to threaten people.

Daniel Frisiello was ordered to remain behind bars at least until his next court appearance. His lawyer said he plans to plead not guilty.

Frisiello is accused of sending envelopes filled with white powder along with insulting notes to five people, including the president's oldest son, Donald Trump, Jr.

His wife, Vanessa, opened the envelope and was briefly hospitalized complaining of nausea and coughing.

The powder was harmless corn starch. But it was accompanied by a note implying it was dangerous and calling Trump, Jr. "an awful, awful person...you make the family idiot, Eric, look smart...so you are getting what you deserve."

Other envelopes were sent to Democratic Senator Deborah Stabenow; California Republican congressional candidate and actor Antonio Sabato, Jr; a U.S. Attorney from California; and a law professor. They also received threatening letters.

Frisiello's attorney said his client has been on medication his entire life and suffers from "issues" and "difficulties," but did not elaborate.

文在寅称慰安妇问题没完 日本提出抗议





South Korean President Issues New Demand of Japan Over Wartime 'Comfort Women'

South Korean President Moon Jae-in is once again demanding that Japan deal squarely with the issue of the "comfort women" who were forced into sexual slavery by Japanese colonial forces.

Tokyo paid $8 million into a fund to support the surviving Korean women who worked in Japanese military brothels under a deal reached in 2015 under ousted President Park Geun-hye. The agreement also included an apology from Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for the actions of Japanese troops during its brutal occupation of the Korean peninsula between 1910 and 1945.

But during a speech marking the anniversary of the 1919 popular uprising against Korea's Japanese colonial rulers Thursday, President Moon said the agreement does not mean Japan can simply declare the matter closed. He said the only way to resolve the issue "is to remember that history and learn from it."

In Tokyo, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshiide Suga called Moon's remarks "extremely regrettable," and said the government has lodged a formal protest with Seoul.