
中国时间 0:53 2025年3月12日 星期三

礼节美语208:American Football (2)


B: So sports is a way for people to bond?

C: Yeah. During holidays like Thanksgiving my family will sit around in front of the television and watch a football game together. It's a social occasion...enjoying the game and each other's company.

B: I'm not sure if Chinese people approach sports in the same way. If it's something that can bring glory to China's national team - such as Olympic table tennis or diving - then everyone watches the event together.

MC: 在美国,体育运动是人际往来的一种纽带,a way for people to bond. Chris说,逢年过节,他们一家人都会围坐在电视机旁,enjoy the game and each other's company. 欣赏比赛,共渡时光。Ben说,中国人看比赛不太一样,一般都是有奥林匹克等国际赛事,中国队可能会拿奖牌,为国争光的时候,大家才会聚在一起看比赛。

C: I think in America people are often loyal to their regional team. In college you root for your school's team and then when you settle down somewhere you follow that area's team.

B: So what's your favorite team?

C: I actually have two favorites. I grew up in New York so I'm first and foremost a New York Jets fan, but I went to school in Baltimore so I also like the Baltimore Ravens.

Chris说,美国人一般住在哪里,就是那个地方球队的粉丝,上大学的时候替校队加油,毕业后在哪里安家,就替哪里的球队加油,root for 是支持某人,替某人加油助威的意思,Chris说自己喜欢的球队有两个,小时候在纽约长大,所以I'm first and foremost a New York Jets fan, 所以是纽约喷气机队球迷,first and foremost 意思是首要的,然后又因为去巴尔的摩上学,成了巴尔的摩乌鸦队的粉丝。

B: What happens when the teams play against each other?

C: (chuckle) I usually support the New York Jets. But if the Ravens win it's not too bad.

B: I have to confess I don't actually understand how American football works. It kind of looks like a war to me.

C: Actually, football is like a war. Each team tries to advance the ball through enemy territory to the end zone. It evolved from the English game of rugby which is also kind of like a battle between two armies.

Ben承认,自己看不太懂美式足球,不知道美式足球到底是怎么个打法。Chris承认,football is like a war.美式足球确实就好像是在打仗,两只球队都设法穿过敌人的地盘 enemy territory, 攻到 end zone 阵区里。Chris还说,美式足球是从英式橄榄球发展而来的,英式橄榄球 rugby is spelled r-u-g-b-y, rugby,他用的evolve is spelled e-v-o-l-v-e, evolve 是发展演绎的意思。