
中国时间 10:31 2025年3月9日 星期日

礼节美语226-Body Language (4)

礼节美语226-Body Language (4)


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公司主管Andy又请专门研究肢体语言的Monica给公司销售员 Sara和James培训。Monica说:

Monica: Okay, so we talked about composure. Let's go in the other direction now and talk about humor.

J: Ah, that's something that's always puzzled me. Is it a good idea to make jokes?

M: Research shows that people are more likely to accept an idea if it's wrapped in humor. But the point isn't about finding a really funny joke. Laughter is actually about bonding.

S: Yes....I've noticed that many times people at a meeting are all laughing about something that really isn't all that funny.


M: That's right! They are not really joking....they are attempting to bond.

A: So go ahead and throw in a funny comment or a clever remark...but there's got to be some minefields we should avoid as well, right?

M: Yeah....don't make dirty, sexist or racist jokes or comments. And of course don't humiliate anyone.

J: I have a question. I'm never quite sure where to sit during a business meeting.

M: The ancient Chinese art of "Feng Shui" teaches that you should never sit with the door behind you - and actually there's a scientific reason for that.

虽然及时讲个笑话,或是发表一点幽默的评论能有助于调节气氛,加强纽带,但讲笑话也有一些需要忌讳的地方,或者说是 minefield 雷区。Don't make dirty, sexist or racist jokes or comments. Monica说,不要讲黄色笑话、性别歧视的笑话和种族歧视的笑话,而且不要 humiliate 羞辱别人。James问了一个很简单的问题,那就是,开会的时候应该坐在哪儿。Monica 说,按照中国风水里的讲究,后背不要对着门,这是有科学道理的,为什么呢?

M: When a person's back is placed towards an open space he becomes stressed; his blood pressure increases and his heart beats faster.

S: That makes sense! People subconsciously worry about getting attacked if they don't know what's lurking behind them.

J: Interesting. I'll be sure to sit facing the door from now on!

A: Monica, thank you for another great class! I think we all learned a lot today.

M: My pleasure! See you next time!

Monica 解释说,如果后背对着开放的空间,那这个人就容易有压力,血压升高,心跳加速,因为他们不知道身后可能会隐藏着什么危险,They don't know what's lurking behind them. 所以会下意识地感到不安全,因此在选择座位时,最好是脸冲着门。怎么样,大家是不是也学到了一些以前不知道的事情呢?