
中国时间 15:01 2025年2月25日 星期二



最近,贵网站刊登了一篇题为“美国之音连续犯错 被指对伊朗存在偏见”的文章,文章发表日期2009年4月15号,时间21:26:04 ,来源:国际在线专稿,编辑:唐华。贵网站的这篇文章引用了《华盛顿时报》4月14日刊登的由尼古拉斯·克拉勒夫撰写的一篇报道的部分内容。美国之音台长丹福思·奥斯汀最近对《华盛顿时报》的报道作了书面回应。我们希望贵网站能刊登美国之音台长回应的全文。下面是美国之音台长的英文全文及中文翻译:

It is unfortunate that /The Washington Times/, in an April 14, 2009 story by Nicholas Kralev, chose to selectively quote from and distort the findings of a report by the State Department’s Office of Inspector General that, overall, lauded the Voice of America’s (VOA) Persian News Network (PNN).

“VOA successfully built PNN into its first full-fledged network in an extraordinarily short period of time,” said the report, which is posted on the State Department’s website, http://oig.state.gov/documents/organization/121748.pdf. “Given the U.S. strategic interest in communicating with Iranians, PNN represents a major achievement in setting up a network that reaches approximately 29 percent of Iranians in Iran.”

PNN, the most successful international broadcaster in Iran now reaching more than 13 million people weekly in a country with no press freedom, is “performing a vital function,” the report said. "It is the only platform from which the U.S. Government can reach an Iranian audience with unbiased news and information about U.S. foreign policy and American life," it added.

Like other U.S.-funded broadcasters, PNN’s staff operates under the VOA Charter, which mandates that “VOA will serve as a consistently reliable and authoritative source of news,” and the news will be “accurate, objective and comprehensive.”

Yes, PNN, like many new start-ups, experienced some organizational challenges, as the report points out. But the VOA has embraced the report's recommendations, and has already instituted many of them. The network is embarked on a series of improvements to enhance its appeal to Iran’s majority youth population and to expand PNN’s reach to Farsi speakers in neighboring Afghanistan, for example.

Launched as a network in 2007, VOA’s PNN reaches people by satellite television, radio and Internet. Its programs include a two-hour news show, a talk show aimed at women, a call-in program and a journalists’ roundtable. PNN provided extensive coverage of the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, along with the election and inauguration of President Obama. Recently, PNN covered Obama’s message to Iranians on the Nowruz holiday. PNN daily receives calls, emails and letters from Iranians who have access to the programs. We look forward to continuing our dialogue with the Iranians people for a long time.


Danforth Austin

Director, Voice of America











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