
中国时间 8:26 2025年3月14日 星期五




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A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是Mike! 杨琳,赶快来告诉大家今天都要学什么?

A: 没问题! 今天我们要一起来聊聊美国人热衷的橄榄球比赛,看看怎么表达了如指掌,还要告诉你怎么拿别人开玩笑!!

B: Football is an important part of being a guy in U.S. The game it self can be pretty hard to understand at first, lucky for you I happen to be an expert!

A: Haha, I'm not so sure about that...... But it's true that every American guy seems to love football! I don't quite understand it, it seems like the players are just wrestling for a ball to me...

B: (Sigh) oh Yanglin, ok I'll try to put this in as simply as I can. Football is the most important sport in this world, because...

A: 打住打住! 要讲咱们等会再说,现在,我们先来进入第一个单元,learn a word!

Learn A Word 1659 poke fun at

今天我们要学的词是 poke fun at, poke is spelled p-o-k-e, poke, fun, f-u-n, fun, at, a-t, at, poke fun at. To poke fun at 意思是拿某人某事开玩笑,调侃。比如:Stop poking fun at me! 别拿我开玩笑。Prince William poked fun at his younger brother Prince Harry during a recent visit to Cambridge. 英国威廉王子最近在访问剑桥的时候,调侃了弟弟哈里王子。American comedian Ellen DeGeneres poked fun at a study on the effectiveness of gay-dar. 美国笑星艾伦.德杰尼勒斯对一项有关辨别同性恋能力的研究大肆调侃。好的,今天我们学习的词是 poke fun at, poke fun at, poke fun at...

A: 这个词可说到我心坎里去了,you are always poking fun at me, Mike!

B: I wouldn't do it so often if you didn't make it so easy..... (What?)
Kidding kidding. Well, at least you don't need to run the gauntlet like I do! Every time I try to pitch one of my idea to you guys...

A: 哈哈,我们是帮你加强逻辑思维嘛!! 不过你刚好提到了一个很特别的说法,run the gauntlet, 咱们一起来听听今天的words and idioms, 学学这个习惯用语的用法!

Words and Idioms 808 RUN THE GAUNTLET


我是杨晨。我是 Douglas Johnson。

美国很多居民小区都设有小区委员会,编制不大,权力可不小。我有个朋友 Amy,她家的小区委员会管得就特别宽,从各家各户房子的颜色到院子护栏的风格,都要经过审查。Amy 最近想架个篮球筐,给儿子练球用,小区委员会专门就此开会,进行了激烈的讨论。这种情况在英语里叫:

M: Run the gauntlet. Gauntlet is spelled g-a-u-n-t-l-e-t. Run-the-gauntlet. Run the gauntlet.

Gauntlet 在中文里是夹击的意思。Run the gauntlet 这个习惯用语的意思就是受到很多人的批判、指责或是攻击。所以说啊,这个词用在 Amy 身上特别合适。她为了给儿子装个篮球架子,就要接受小区委员会的严格审批。She had to run the gauntlet.


M: "When I proposed that our high school eliminate soda machines in the building, I thought I'd have everyone's support. Instead, I was attacked by many parents and teachers for taking away the students' right to choose what they wanted to drink. I never expected to RUN THE GAUNTLET on that issue."


最近有消息说,我们当地一家小学的校长,因为觉得孩子们玩的追逐游戏 TAG 动作越来越粗暴,所以决定禁止这个游戏,结果引起了社会上很多人的指责。She is still running the gauntlet. 好的,让我们再来听听上面那段话。

M: "When I proposed that our high school eliminate soda machines in the building, I thought I'd have everyone's support. Instead, I was attacked by many parents and teachers for taking away the students' right to choose what they wanted to drink. I never expected to RUN THE GAUNTLET on that issue."


M: "First, I had an in-depth interview with the personnel director. Then, I was asked to go over my resume with the department manager. Finally, I got questioned at length by the head of guest services. All of this so that I could get a job parking cars at a hotel! I certainly RAN THE GAUNTLET for that position."


真是够不容易的,一定是家五星级饭店。Run the gauntlet 的用法可以追溯到十七世纪上半叶,最初是军队里的一种惩罚方式,指士兵们手里拿着鞭杖,面对面站成两列,犯错误的人 从他们中间跑过去,接受士兵们的鞭打。到1661年的时候,这个习惯用语已经可以用来比喻各种形式的惩罚了。让我们再听一下上面的例句。

M: "First, I had an in-depth interview with the personnel director. Then, I was asked to go over my resume with the department manager. Finally, I got questioned at length by the head of guest services. All of this so that I could get a job parking cars at a hotel! I certainly RAN THE GAUNTLET for that position."

大家学习美国习惯用语,有问题可以跟我们联系,That way, you won't have to RUN THE GAUNTLET of people who say you don't know how to use this expression properly! 这样才不会有人说你不会用瞎用。

好的,这次美国习惯用语就到此结束。我是杨晨,我是 Douglas Johnson。这次节目的制作人是胡小玲。谢谢各位的收听。

M: Until next time.


M: This has been Words and Idioms.

A: 我也来造个句: I certainly ran the gauntlet when I was interviewed for this position. 我申请这个职位的时候可是历经磨难! But something awesome came out of it, I got a job that I love!

B: That makes all the hard work worthwhile, huh? The best part is you got the chance to work with me...

A: Exactly. (Mocking) I love my job! But I just wish I could earn a little bit more...life in DC is really expensive.

B: I know! The high cost of living here almost makes me wish I could be a kid again and just get a weekly allowance from my parents....

A: 哈哈,你又做梦了! 好好工作吧! 不过你刚才提到了一个词儿, allowance, 这可是美国孩子最喜欢的词儿了!

B: Want to know why? Let's check it out!

Learn A Word 1660 allowance

今天我们要学的词是 allowance, allowance is spelled a-l-l-o-w-a-n-c-e, allowance. Allowance 零用钱。A recent study reveals that 51% of American parents give their kids an allowance. 最近有研究显示,美国51%的父母会给孩子零用钱。另外还有研究发现,The average child with an allowance gets $65 per month. 父母给零用钱的孩子平均每个月能得到65美元。The most common ways kids spend their allowance is by hanging out with friends and purchasing toys. 孩子们通常会把零用钱花在跟朋友一起玩或是买玩具上面。好的,今天我们学习的词是 allowance, allowance, allowance...

B: This totally brings back memories from when I was a little kid. My parents used to give me 5 bucks every week, and I would save up and go buy video games!

A: No wonder you always win when we play Halo! You've been practicing since you are a little boy!

B: Exactly. Prior planning prevent poor performance!

A: You definitely have gotten a fix on how to beat me in video games! Not that I think it's anything impressive...

B: Don't lie 杨琳,don't lie. (both laugh) You did mention a term: get a fix on something, let's listen to another words and idioms and check it out!

Words and Idioms 809 Get a Fix on


我是杨晨。我是 Douglas Johnson。


M: Get a fix on. Fix is spelled f-i-x. Get-a-fix-on.Get a fix on.

Fix 做为动词,有修理的意思,比如说 fix the car 修车。不过,fix 也可以做名词,其中的一个意思就是定位,get a fix on 这个习惯用语用了 fix 作为名词的定位的意思,指清楚地了解某些人或事。你现在明白我为什么说自己不适合做服装设计师了吧?I wouldn't know how to GET A FIX ON the styles that people might want to buy.

M: "Our investigation team combed the site of the plane crash for weeks. Finally, after reviewing countless pieces of evidence, we were able to GET A FIX ON the cause of the accident. We've determined that ice on the wings was to blame for the tragedy."


说起空难,真是怪吓人的。我以前特别怕坐飞机,一上飞机就紧张,结果有个朋友向我推荐了一个网站,让我了解到了飞机的安全系数。That's where I GOT A FIX ON plane safety. 其实啊,从统计学的角度看,出车祸的机率要比飞机掉下来的机率大得多。好的,让我们再来听听上面那段话。

M: "Our investigation team combed the site of the plane crash for weeks. Finally, after reviewing countless pieces of evidence, we were able to GET A FIX ON the cause of the accident. We've determined that ice on the wings was to blame for the tragedy."


M: "Since we got married, my wife and I have spent a lot of time with her parents. Just about every weekend we all get together for dinner or go out. I feel like I understand my father-in-law pretty well, but not my mother-in-law. I still haven't GOTTEN A FIX ON her."


Oh-Oh。这个年轻人真应该向我表姐 Jamie 取取经。Jamie 最大的本事就是看人。她每次去开会或是参加活动,都会遇到很多陌生人,但是用不了多久,她就能 GET A FIX ON them 彻底了解他们,不仅知道他们的喜好,甚至还能未卜先知,知道他们可能会怎么做,难怪她干推销成绩总是那么好。让我们再听一下上面的例句。

M: "Since we got married, my wife and I have spent a lot of time with her parents. Just about every weekend we all get together for dinner or go out. I feel like I understand my father-in-law pretty well, but not my mother-in-law. I still haven't GOTTEN A FIX ON her."

大家肯定都知道世界著名的流行歌手麦当娜。时间如梭,麦当娜如今已经年近五十,她在全球的唱片销量也超过了两个亿。我觉得,麦当娜的成功在很大程度上是因为她懂得不断地变化自己的外形和声音,总能给听众带来新鲜的感觉。She is always GETTING A FIX ON what her fans are looking for next. 她能清楚地把握歌迷们的脉搏,知道他们接下来可能追寻的东西,这可能就是麦当娜演出事业20多年常胜不衰的秘诀吧。

好的,I hope we have helped you GET A FIX ON another colorful expression. 希望我们帮助大家掌握了一个新的美国习惯用语。我是杨晨,我是 Douglas Johnson。这次节目的制作人是胡小玲。谢谢各位的收听。

M: Until next time.


M: This has been Words and Idioms.

B: So 杨琳,are you ready for the super bowl this Sunday?

A: Super bowl? 橄榄球超级杯? 我还好啦...I can never get a fix on the rules...so I've never really gotten into football. I DO feel like Americans are all really into football though, why is that?

B: I guess it's the kind of sport that bonds us all together. Football is an American sports, my grandfather loved it, my father loves it, and I started watching when I was a little boy. It's like a family tradition for me.

A: Interesting! 听起来你是个铁杆球迷呀! 在今天的Business Etiquette里,Chris跟同事Ben谈起了美式橄榄球,咱们一起来听听吧!

礼节美语 American Football I


Chris: Hey, Ben...did you catch the game last night?

Ben: Uh...what game?

C: Baltimore defeated Texas by 17 points!

B: Um...and what sport are we talking about here?

C: Football of course!

B: Oh...football. Football is cool. I usually try to catch the World Cup finals.

Chris问Ben, Did you catch the game last night? 意思是昨天晚上有没有看比赛,英语里看比赛,看表演在口语里都可以用动词catch, 比如,Let's go catch a movie. 咱们看电影去。Chris说的是美式足球比赛,football,巴尔的摩乌鸦队赢了德克萨斯人队17分。Ben说,足球好看, 每次World Cup finals世界杯决赛我都看,他显然是把soccer和美式足球football混了。Chris说,

C: No, I'm talking about American football. The World Cup is soccer.

B: Oh, I understand. I can't say I'm a big fan. I'm from China, and football doesn't have a really big following over there.

C: So Chinese people prefer soccer or basketball?

B: Yes, I think so. But to be perfectly honest, I'm not really a sports nut. When I was in high school I played on the school volleyball team. Are you a diehard football fan?

Ben说自己不是特别爱看美式足球,I can't say I'm a big fan. 在中国,美式足球没有多少球迷。Football doesn't have a really big following. Following 在这里是名词,指粉丝,追随者,仰慕者。Ben还说,To be perfectly honest 意思是老实说,I'm not a sports nut. 这里的nut, n-u-t, nut是俚语,意思是对某事非常热衷爱好的人,比如history nut, movie nut 还有Ben所说的sports nut。Ben问Chris是不是铁杆美式足球球迷,a diehard football fan. diehard is spelled d-i-e-h-a-r-d, diehard 意思是死忠。Chris回答说,

C: Oh, certainly. I wouldn't miss a game for the world. My girlfriend says I have an addiction. And actually, if I had to choose between her and my games...I'd probably pick football.

B: It seems Americans are very passionate about sports. Is this just a part of your culture?

C: Oh, yeah! I think the love of sports starts when kids are very young. Americans come from many different backgrounds so I guess sports are something we can all enjoy together.

Chris承认自己是铁杆球迷,I wouldn't miss a game for the world. 不会因为任何原因错过比赛。not miss something for the world是一种很常见的说法,强调无论如何都不会错过,比如,I wouldn't miss your concert for the world. 我绝不会错过你的音乐会。Chris说,美国人热爱体育,是从小培养的,大家来自不同背景,但是运动却能让彼此走到一起。

A: 原来,Chris是个铁杆球迷, a diehard football fan, 不会因为任何原因错过一场比赛,won't miss a game for the world. 相比起来,Ben is not a sports nut, Ben不是个特别热衷体育的人。

B: I agree with Chris. Sports are a way for us to bond. It's a social occasion...a way to enjoy the game and each other's company.

A: 恩,就跟我们小时候看春节晚会吃饺子一样!

B: Exactly. Let's see what Chris has to say about this!

礼节美语American Football II


B: So sports is a way for people to bond?

C: Yeah. During holidays like Thanksgiving my family will sit around in front of the television and watch a football game together. It's a social occasion...enjoying the game and each other's company.

B: I'm not sure if Chinese people approach sports in the same way. If it's something that can bring glory to China's national team--such as Olympic table tennis or diving--then everyone watches the event together.

在美国,体育运动是人际往来的一种纽带,a way for people to bond. Chris说,逢年过节,他们一家人都会围坐在电视机旁,enjoy the game and each other's company. 欣赏比赛,共度时光。Ben说,中国人看比赛不太一样,一般都是有奥林匹克等国际赛事,中国队可能会拿奖牌,为国争光的时候,大家才会聚在一起看比赛。

C: I think in America people are often loyal to their regional team. In college you root for your school's team and then when you settle down somewhere you follow that area's team.

B: So what's your favorite team?

C: I actually have two favorites. I grew up in New York so I'm first and foremost a New York Jets fan, but I went to school in Baltimore so I also like the Baltimore Ravens.

Chris说,美国人一般住在哪里,就是那个地方球队的粉丝,上大学的时候替校队加油,毕业后在哪里安家,就替哪里的球队加油,root for 是支持某人,替某人加油助威的意思,Chris说自己喜欢的球队有两个,小时候在纽约长大,所以I'm first and foremost a New York Jets fan, 所以是纽约喷气机队球迷,first and foremost 意思是首要的,然后又因为去巴尔的摩上学,成了巴尔的摩乌鸦队的粉丝。

B: What happens when the teams play against each other?

C: (Chuckle) I usually support the New York Jets. But if the Ravens win it's not too bad.

B: I have to confess I don't actually understand how American football works. It kind of looks like a war to me.

C: Actually, football is like a war. Each team tries to advance the ball through enemy territory to the end zone. It evolved from the English game of rugby which is also kind of like a battle between two armies.

Ben承认,自己看不太懂美式足球,不知道美式足球到底是怎么个打法。Chris承认,football is like a war.美式足球确实就好像是在打仗,两只球队都设法穿过敌人的地盘 enemy territory, 攻到 end zone 阵区里。Chris还说,美式足球是从英式橄榄球发展而来的,英式橄榄球 rugby is spelled r-u-g-b-y, rugby,他用的evolve is spelled e-v-o-l-v-e, evolve 是发展演绎的意思。

A: Hmm...maybe I will watch Super Bowl this year, sounds like it's an important step in understanding American Culture!

B: That's the right thing to do! And...you have an expert here in case you don't understand anything!

A:I will take you up on that! 好了同学们,这次节目时间就到这里了。