USenator Sithembile Mlotshwa, omela isigaba seMatabeleland South, ngomunye owabotshwa lezakhamizi lezi.
Intathelizindaba yeStudio Seven uChris Gande esesigodlweni senhlanganiso yomanyano wamazwe womhlaba ese United Nations eNew York.
Bathi kufanele kwabelwe amazwe athuthukayo izihlalo ezipheleleyo, ama permanent seats kuSecurity Council, kulokuthi kube lawe China, Britain, France, Russia, kanye leleMelika kuphela.
Umongameli Mugabe usole kakhulu Amandla alamanye amazwe awasebenzisa ukuncindezela amazwe asakhulayo.
Ekhuluma emhlanganweni weUnited Nations General Assembly, uMugabe uthe izwekazi leAfrica kumele libe lesihlalo esinaphakade kugatsha lweUnited Nations Security Council
President Mugabe challenged Europe and the USA to explain "what wrong" it had committed to be subjected to the "illegal sanctions imposed on my country." President Mugabe proclaimed his country enjoyed peace, and did not "want to hear of "regime change at all."
Okumqoka osekuphethwe kulumhlangano yikuthathwa kwezibopho ezimele zifezwe eminyakeni elandelayo ezizakwelama ama Millenium Goals ezibizwa ngokuthi ngama Sustainable Development Goals
Upapa Francis ukhuthaze abakhokheli bamazwe ukuthi baqede izimpi, ubuyanga lokuhlukuluzwa kwamakholwa esiChristu emazweni angenhla kwezwekazi leAfrica.