Experts said the Biden administration is look for the next South Korea president to forge a strong alliance with the US to offset China’s aggression and North Korea’s threats
South Korea sees an end-of-war declaration as key to restarting nuclear talks with its northern neighbor, which have been stalled for 2 years
Beijing could use North Korea as leverage to counter Washington's positions, including its goal to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, analysts say
As Pyongyang rejects talks with the US, the State Department says it hopes the locked-down country accepts international aid
Pope Francis willing to visit North Korea at request of South Korean President Moon Jae-in if Pyongyang issues invitation
Seoul’s call for making concessions for Pyongyang stymies Washington’s offer made for dialogue without preconditions, creates rift in alliance
As North Korea rejects the Biden administration's call for dialogue, prospects for nuclear diplomacy fade
China is the world’s largest seafood consumer, and its fleet often fishes waters claimed by South Korea. When South Korean authorities try to enforce international regulations, they often meet fierce resistance. Seung Hyuk Park filed this report with information provided by Hyungjin Kim in Seoul.
Analysts say Pyongyang's recent missile launches are aimed at getting the attention of the Biden administration, which is committed to a diplomatic solution
Administration's nonaction may be due to a return to an Obama-era policy or urgent foreign policy issues taking attention away from Pyongyang
UNICEF had allocated 2.97 million does to the country that reported it has found no cases of COVID-19 as of August 19
Experts are debating how the Taliban's rapid takeover of Afghanistan could affect Pyongyang
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