North Korea registered its 13 submarines with international maritime agency, then asked it to remove them a day later
The two countries could increasingly turn to alternative methods of payments to evade sanctions, analysts say
Germany's membership in UNC helps US, NATO countries defend South Korea in case of global war
US, South Korea, Red Cross stand ready to help North Korea recover from devastating floods
Former U.S. officials and analysts said the FAO director-general seems to be using his recent trip to Pyongyang to exert China’s influence on North Korea
Pyongyang officials ‘do not care' that Trump has 'lingering desire for the prospects of the DPRK-US relations’
But Washington’s relations with Seoul are nearing crossroad and could take sharp turn if Donald Trump returns to office
북한의 신종 코로나 방역 조치로 직원들을 철수한 유엔 기구들이 북한 당국과 복귀 시기를 계속 논의하고 있다고 밝혔습니다. 최근 FAO사무총장의 방북이 대북 활동 재개의 발판이 되기를 기대한다는 입장도 밝혔습니다.
Pyongyang says enhanced Japan-Germany security cooperation coming on the heels of a NATO summit is 'collusion'
US Air Force plans to upgrade more than 80 fighter jets stationed at Japanese bases over next several years
At the summit this week in Washington, NATO allies will discuss strengthening security ties with Seoul and Tokyo
US and other officials have accused North Korea of providing Russia with large quantities of conventional munitions for its war in Ukraine
US, South Korea say they oppose deepening Moscow-Pyongyang military cooperation
US State Department said sending outside information to North Korea is 'critical’ even as South Korean liberals challenge the leaflet campaign
Beijing said it opposes Seoul’s future involvement in AUKUS Pillar II
South Korea is concerned about interim steps the US says it is willing to take toward North Korea
Biden administration details its efforts to engage North Korea on humanitarian, security issues
The U.S. says it 'will use all available tools, including interdiction and sanctions' to address military cooperation between Pyongyang and Tehran.
With UN panel's mandate expiring, Washington is seeking new mechanism to enforce sanctions on Pyongyang
Despite legislative election defeat President Yoon Suk Yeol plans to continue close cooperation with the US and Japan
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