연결 가능 링크

It's a piece of cake

안녕하세요 English with Yoo! 의 Jennifer Yoo입니다. English with Yoo! 는 일상생활에서 자주 쓰이는 다양한 표현들을 익히는 시간입니다. I’ll give you a daily introduction to some meaningful and useful everyday English words and phrases! So let’s get started today!

It’s a piece of cake
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오늘의 영어 표현은: It’s a piece of cake 입니다.

Don’t you just love it when something is so easy and simple to do? Let’s listen to a conversation I had with my friend Leanne. Today’s phrase is it’s a piece of cake. Listen carefully!

It’s a piece of cake

Jen: It’s pretty straight forward. It’s a piece of cake finding the place.
Leanne: Perfect!
Jen: This triangle key is going to open the main front door, if you were to enter from the main entrance and this key is going to open the side separate entrance that I was talking about.
Leanne: Okay!
Jen: It’s really easy because one key will work for the gate, inside as well as the second door.

A friend of mine was visiting me in Washington DC and needed a place to stay for a few nights so I offered her my apartment. 제 친구 Leanne이 워싱턴디시에 놀러왔는데요 며칠 동안 묵을 곳이 필요하다고 해서 제 아파트에서 있으라고 했습니다. 리앤은 디시에 도착하자마자 아파트 키를 받으러 점심시간때 제가 일하는 곳으로 왔더라고요.

When Leanne came to pick up the apartment key, I said “It’s pretty straight forward. It’s a piece of cake finding the place. 아파트 찾는데 문제 없을거야 It’s a piece of cake finding the place” 라고 하니까, Leanne리앤은 “Perfect! 알겠어”라고 하더라고요.

오늘의 영어 표현 ‘it’s a piece of cake’ 인데요, it’s a piece of cake means that something is very easy to do. You can also say ‘as easy as pie / it’s nothing, it’s a piece of cake’.

How though are pies or cakes thought to be easy? They aren’t especially easy to make. The easiness comes with the eating - at least, that was the view in 19th century America, where this phrase was coined.

piece / P I E C E / piece 는 ‘자르거나, 나눠 놓은 것의 한 부분, 조각’ 이란 뜻이고요, cake / C A K E / cake는 ‘케이크; 밀가루, 달걀, 버터, 우유, 설탕 같은 것을 주원료로 해서 구운 서양 음식인데요 위에 크림이나 과일을 얹은 빵을 말합니다.’ 그래서 ‘it’s a piece of cake’ 는 말 그대로 하면 ‘케이크의 한 조각’이란 말인데요, ‘(~)일이 쉽다 / 어렵지 않다’를 나타낼 때 쓰이는 표현입니다.

그럼 여기서 오늘의 본문을 다시 한번 들어보시겠습니다. Listen carefully!

It’s a piece of cake

Jen: It’s pretty straight forward. It’s a piece of cake finding the place.
Leanne: Perfect!
Jen: This triangle key is going to open the main front door, if you were to enter from the main entrance and this key is going to open the side separate entrance that I was talking about.
Leanne: Okay!
Jen: It’s really easy because one key will work for the gate, inside as well as the second door.

오늘의 영어표현 It’s a piece of cake ‘(~)일이 쉽다 / 어렵지 않다’ It’s a piece of cake. Practice with your friends. It’s going to be a piece of cake!

지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO!에Jennifer Yoo 였습니다.

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