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[English with Yoo] It seems to be...

English with Yoo
English with Yoo
안녕하세요? English with Yoo! 의 Jennifer Yoo입니다.

English with Yoo! 는 일상생활에서 자주 쓰이는 다양한 표현들을 익히는 시간입니다.

I’ll give you a daily introduction to some meaningful and useful everyday English words and phrases! So let’s get started today!

오늘의 영어 표현은: It seems to be. It seems to be.
It seems to be는 일상생활에서 어떻게쓰는지 알아보기전에 제가 친구와 함께 대화한 것을 먼저 들어 볼까요? Listen carefully!

It seems to be…
Marissa: We also like the metro system here. It seems to be very quick and efficient.
It’s simple but moves very efficiently.
Jen: Really?
Marissa: We’re enjoying getting around town with the metro system.

Explanation of Conversation:
My friend, Marissa, and her husband came to visit Washington D.C. for a week. 제 친구, 마리사가 남편과 함께 워싱톤 디시를 방문하러 왔었습니다. 저와 함께 전철을 타고 저녁을 먹으러 가는 중에 마리사는 워싱톤 디시에 있는 metro system, metro system 은 지하철 제도죠? 그러니까, 지하철 제도가 잘 되어 있다고 너무 좋아하더라구요. “It’s simple” 간단하고 효율적이어서 도시를 편안하게 구경하며 즐겼다고 얘기했습니다.

Let’s listen to the conversation again.

It seems to be…
Marissa: We also like the metro system here. It seems to be very quick and efficient.
It’s simple but moves very efficiently.
Jen: Really?
Marissa: We’re enjoying getting around town with the metro system.

오늘의 영어 표현은: It seems to be…이죠?
It seems to be ~ 인 것처럼 보인다. It seems to be.
Marissa가 “It seems to be very quick and efficient” 라고 했죠?
It seems to be very quick and efficient 하면 '매우 빠르고 효율적 인것 같다' 는 뜻입니다.

Another similar phrase that you can use is It looks like…
It looks like ~할 것 같아 / ~인 것 처럼 보이다 It looks like
그레서 It looks like it’s going to rain 하면
비가 올 것 같아요.
It looks like it’s going to rain.

이번에는 예문으로 한 번 알아보겠습니다.
Did you take the medicine? Is it helping?
It seems to be working.
약 먹은게 좀 도움이 되니?
응, 효과가 있는 것 같아.

What do you think the weather is like today?
It seems to be overcast.
오늘 날씨는 어떤가요?
오늘은 흐리겠군요.

Now it’s your turn: I’ll say it in Korean and you try saying it in English!
제가 한국말로 얘기할께요. 영어로 표현해 보세요.

~ 인 것처럼 보인다 // 이것 좀 도와 주시겠어요?
그렇죠. It seems to be… / It seems to be…
~할 것 같아 / ~인 것 처럼 보이다
네, 맞습니다 It looks like…/ it looks like 이죠?

친구들과 함께 연습해 보세요. It seems to be 또는 It looks like…
You’ll get it in no time!

지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO!에 Jennifer Yoo였습니다.
내일 이 시간에 다시 만나요. Join me tomorrow!