Women Contribution is very important in economic and social development, and women have been working side by side with men silently. Here are some photos of the women VOA Khmer has interviewed with.
Women In Cambodia on March 8

Seng Reasey, women activist at SILAKA Organisation tells VOA that women still face the challenges despite the effort of the government and stakeholder. Her message on March 8, is that "Women last dream is not marriage but it is to achieve what you want based on your skills and talents in order to help society, family and your own life."(Sok Sreinith Ten/VOA Khmer)

Catherine Harry, a vlogger of A Dose of Cath, a social page talking about women and sex health, tells VOA that it is time women is empowered and International Women Day doesn't mean women have more right than men. But "it is a reminder that women and men are equal."(Lim Sothy/VOA Khmer)

Mean Sonyta is a Cambodian actress, model and fashion designer, founder of Slanh House, a house selling Khmer Krama produce by Cambodian women, and a Goodwill Ambassador to the Cambodia Countering Trafficking-in-Persons Program of USAID. Sonyta tells VOA on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 that being a young women entrepreneur, her job is not really smooth sometimes; however, she added that “Without those hardship, she will not have today.” Sonyta further tells VOA that what she wants on this International Women Days is to see “Women stand up and fight for what they love. Men and women has got equal right to reach their dream. Whatever men can do, women too.”

Saeng Sochenda, 54 years old, is director of Research office at the National Institute of Educaton. With 23 years experience in teaching, Sochenda told VOA on Monday that women plays an important role in education as well as economic. And, she loves teaching because she has opportunities to share her knowledge to young generations so that they can contribute to the development of the country. Her messages to all Cambodian women is that they must not lose hope--”All women have to be part of social development, so please do not lose hope. Keep your hope up and be part of the development.”(Tum Malis/VOA Khmer)

Chan Phaleap, 36 years old is a contruction worker at Diamond Twin Tower at Koh Pich, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Phaleap, originated from Kampong Cham province, just came back from working in Thailand for two years at contruction site. Even though this job is one hard job for women, she told VOA that men cannot complete it without women. “Women is a great complement to men.” She said. (Tum Malis/VOA Khmer)

Female construction workers pose for photo at at construction site in Koh Pich, Phnom Penh, Cambodia on March 5, 2018.(Tum Malis/VOA Khmer)

Ngorn Soknov, 33, is an employee of CINTRI, a waste management company in Phnom Penh, on March 5, 2018. Speaking to VOA ahead of the 107th Internaitonal Women's Rights Day, Soknov, believes she has a role to play to bring better change to her family. “When women have economic opportunity as men -bringing an income to support the family, the family may find harmony, unity and gratitude in one another,” said Soknov. “I am striving for the future of my son, my husband and for myself.” (Tum Malis/VOA Khmer)

Mu Sochua, vice president of CNRP that was dissolved in November, told VOA women should involve more in politics because politics is life, rights and family. She said that "Women should continue to work hard for a positive change and the International Women Day is is a daily work not only for today."

Chou Bun Eng, secretary of Interior Ministry and vice president of National Committee to Lead the Suppression of Human Trafficking, Smuggling, Labor Exploitation, and Sexual Exploitation of Women and Children told VOA that she wants women to keep working hard to achieve the gender eqaulity. “Women is men half power so it is important for her to involve in all sectors.”

Three women in tech are awarded in “Cambodia Women in Tech 2018” Award and Keo Kounila, Managing Director of Redhill. From the left, Chan Penhleak received Cambodian Woman ICT For Community Award, Fat Si Em, Transport Planning & Optimization Manager, received an anward of Cambodian Woman ICT Engineer Award and Long Leakhena, co-founder of Joonaak Delivery, received an award of Cambodian Woman ICT Entrepreneur Award. (Tum Malis/VOA Khmer)