Kate Webb was the Phnom Penh bureau chief for United Press International (UPI) in 1970 after reporting the Vietnam war between 1967 and 1969. On April 7, 1971, she was captured by the North Vietnamese troops in Cambodia. After her release, she continued to cover news in Asia for Agence France-Presse until she retired in 2001. Kate Webb is known as one of the earliest and the best women correspondents of the Vietnam War. She died at the age of 64 in 2007 in Australia. Courtesy photo of Sylvana Foa/Documentation Center of Cambodia.
In Photos: Kate Webb, An Outstanding Correspondent of the Vietnam War
A photo gallery of Kate Webb, war correspondent and Phnom Penh bureau chief for United Press International (UPI) in 1970 after reporting the Vietnam war between 1967 and 1969.

Kate Webb was the UPI correspondent of theVietnam War in the early 1970s. (Sylvana Foa/Documentation Center of Cambodia)

An earthquake survivor sits on debris in front of her house, which was built under the Mehr state-owned program, in Sarpol-e-Zahab in western Iran. President Hassan Rouhani said his administration will probe the cause of so much damage to buildings constructed under the state-owned program after a powerful earthquake hit the area along the border with Iraq on Sunday and killed more than 400 people.

Kate Webb with soldier and her driver when she was on the field. (Sylvana Foa/Documentation Center of Cambodia)

Kate Webb (right) with Chhim Sarath, her drivier who was captured and killed. (Sylvana Foa/Documentation Center of Cambodia)