A zub da jini mafi muni tun lokacin da sojoji suka tumbuke Mohammed Morsi daga kan mulki, an kashe 'yan zanga-zanga 74 a arangama da dakarun tsaron gwamnati.
An Kashe Mutane Akalla 74 A Misra

Morsi supporters are seen at a protest at Cairo's Rabaa al-Adawiya Square, the focal point of their sit-in, July 27, 2013.

Para pengungsi Irak tinggal di kamp baru di luar kamp Bajid Kandala di kota Feeshkhabour, Irak, Selasa (19/8). (AP/Khalid Mohammed)

Supporters of deposed Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi carry a protester injured during clashes with police and Morsi opponents, in the Nasr City area of Cairo July 27, 2013.

Members of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of deposed Egyptian president Mohamed Mursi walk around makeshift barricades near Cairo's Rabaa el-Adawiya Square July 28, 2013