Babban jami’in hukumar ‘yan sanda ta kasar Malaysia na fa gargadin cewa wata kila ba lallai bane jami’ai su gano abunda ya faru da jirgin Malaysia wanda ya bace mai lambar tafiya dari uku da saba’in.
Ba Lallai Bane a San Me Ya Samu Jirgin Malaysia - inji Jami'in Kasar

Volunteers from Taiwan's Buddhist association offer prayers for the Chinese passengers aboard Flight MH370, at a hotel in Beijing, April 1, 2014.

A Buddhist monk welcomes Chinese relatives of passengers on Flight MH370 as they arrive to pray at a Buddhist temple in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, March 31, 2014.

Steve Wang a representative from the committee for relatives of Chinese passengers onboard Flight MH370 talks to journalists after a closed door meeting with Malaysian officials via teleconference in Beijing, April 2, 2014.

A girl writes a note which she will hang on a memorial for the people on Flight MH370 in Kuala Lumpur, March 30, 2014.