Shugaban Afirka Ta Kudu bakin fata na farko Nelson Mandela wanda ya yi fafaitikar yakar mulkin wariyar jinsi a kasar ya rasu yana da shekaru 95.
Nelson Mandela, 1918 - 2013

ANC leader and symbol of resistance to apartheid, Nelson Mandela, is seen as he gives the black power salute to the 120,000 ANC supporters in Soweto's Soccer City stadium in Soweto, near Johannesburg, South Africa, Feb. 13, 1990.

Nelson Mandela attends a rally in this 1993 photo.

President Nelson Mandela and Britain's Prince Charles shake hands alongside members of the Spice Girls' Emma (L), and Gerri (R) at Mr. Mandela's residence November 1, 1997.

The former South African president, left, and his wife, Graca Machel, wave to the audience during a Live 8 concert in Johannesburg, South Africa, July 2, 2005.