Adadin wadanda suka rasa rayukansu a Masar sai karuwa yake yi bayan dakarun tsaro sun kawar da baraguzai daga wurare biyu inda aka kawar da masu zanga-zangar goyon bayan Mohammed Morsi jiya. Wani mai magana da yawun ma'akatar kiwon lafiya ta kasar Masar ya ce fiye da mutane dari biyar ne suka mutu kawo yau Alhamis 15 ga watan Augusta a arangamar da aka yi lamarin da ya jawo suka daga kasashen duniya.
Baraguzen Wuraren Magoya Bayan Morsi

An Egyptian walks among the burned remains of the Rabaah al-Adawiya mosque, Aug. 15, 2013.

Egyptian children carry computer equipment in the burned remains of the Rabaah al-Adawiya mosque, in the center of the largest protest camp of supporters of ousted President Morsi,

An Egyptian woman holds the head of her son, killed Wednesday, while mourning over his body in the El-Iman mosque, Aug. 15, 2013.

The remains of tents burn outside Rabaah al-Adawiya mosque, where supporters of Egypt's ousted President Morsi had a protest camp, Aug. 15, 2013.