The skies in a California town turned an apocalyptic hue of orange on May 11, 2022, as wildfire swept through the wealthy enclave of Laguna Niguel, burning at least 20 homes while scorching about 200 acres, and prompting evacuations. (Reuters)
Canada will deploy a general and six staff officers to a new NATO unit in Latvia that will help plan, coordinate and integrate regional military activities, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Thursday. (Reuters)
Cambodian fishermen on the Mekong River recently discovered a giant, 4-meter-long stingray weighing 180 kilograms in their nets and contacted experts who were in the area for help. (Reuters)
Troops from NATO countries performed parachute jumps and deployed from helicopters at a training center in Krivolak in North Macedonia on May 12, 2022, during the Swift Response 2022 military drills, headed by the United States. (Reuters)
Video released on May 9, 2022, in what is believed to be the inside of the Azovstal steel plant shows a moment of respite from fighting, as soldiers join a female colleague in singing a popular Ukrainian song. (Reuters)
Members of the British royal family stepped in for Queen Elizabeth at a traditional garden party at in central London on May 11, 2022. (Reuters)
A pioneering British jet suit company is giving superhuman powers to search-and-rescue crew members in northern England. (Reuters)
The ongoing military conflict in Ukraine set a different mood than usual at a military exercise at a NATO army base on May 10, 2022, in the German city of Munster. (Reuters)
A Ukrainian mother was reunited with her police officer son after 74 days apart, according to a video released by police in Kharkiv, Ukraine, on May 9, 2022. (Reuters)
Around 30 Hungarian couples, with husbands carrying their wives on their backs, raced over rough terrain on May 7, 2022, in the nation's third wife-carrying contest. (Reuters)
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