Virtual reality provides new opportunities for children to learn in the digital era
No longer just for insects, humans are also donning exoskeletons to tackle heavy tasks
Machines look to air as source for drinkable water
From entertainment to security, companies around the world are developing uses for the futuristic eyewear
Text message when it’s okay to use the bathroom
If you’ve ever dreamed of having a digital clone do your work, a San Francisco tech firm may be able to help
It is commonly accepted that the human senses are limited — what can be seen through the eyes, heard through the ears. Sound is created when things vibrate. We hear it through our ears. Researchers have developed a wearable device that augments the reality of users by allowing them to “hear” through their skin in the form of vibrations. VOA’s Elizabeth Lee has the details. Camera: Elizabeth Lee Produced by: Bronwyn Benito
Let's tour a cutting-edge medical facility
With the coronavirus outbreak, presidential campaigns find themselves relying more on technology to reach voters
Video doorbell shows animals behaving badly
Limited on bringing in the crowds, realtors are turning to the latest technology to sell homes
Virtual reality may solve some of the problems of video conference calls but still faces its own unique challenges
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