The individuals in question took refuge in Pakistan after the Taliban regained control of Afghanistan in 2021, primarily seeking shelter from potential retribution due to their affiliations with the US and NATO forces
The lower duties could help increase American exports to India but may not satisfy Trump, say analysts
Afghanistan's Taliban renew call for the international community to return more than $9 billion in 'assets' to the central bank
Officials say ensuing gun battles and retaliatory operations elsewhere in Balochistan killed 23 insurgents
Pakistani and international free media advocacy groups, along with human rights activists, have condemned the amended ‘cybercrime law’ and call for its repeal
Police say suspect contended his daughter began creating 'objectionable' content on the social media platform when she lived in the US
Taliban deny allegations, say US weapons are safely stored to prevent their potential misuse
UN human rights office has been grappling with chronic funding shortages
It’s the world's largest religious gathering
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