The three neighboring countries signed an agreement in February 2021 to construct a railway line connecting landlocked Central Asia to Pakistani seaports
EC President Ursula von der Leyen's two-day visit from Thursday, accompanied by leaders of EU member nations, coincides with escalating geopolitical tensions
Dozens of Pakistanis have died in migrant boat accidents in less than 90 days
The number of Afghans publicly flogged this month has reached 86 with 17 women among the victims
Pakistani Prime Minister Sharif has been seeking to expand ties with Central Asian countries
Authorities have hailed it as transformational but there’s scant evidence of change in Gwadar
Radio Begum launched on International Women's Day in March 2021
President Trump last month stalled refugee applications and travel plans until further notice
Bilateral exchanges underscore Tashkent's role as Washington's key partner in the region
US official doesn’t think it is a pre-9/11 landscape but adds there are places that create opportunity for groups such as al-Qaida and Islamic State
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