It’s seen a boom in solar and wind power installations
Experts believe past political figures will influence the country's national and foreign policies
Sales of arms and military services by the world's 100 largest arms companies totaled $632 billion last year, up 4.2%, according to a new report
Nigeria hosted an annual mining conference in the capital this week to discuss investment opportunities and measures needed for growth
Spirit said it expects to operate as normal as it works its way through a prearranged Chapter 11 bankruptcy process and that customers can continue to book and fly without interruption
In cooperation with the United States, the Dutch government has rolled out a series of progressively tighter export restrictions preventing ASML from shipping its most advanced technology to Chinese chipmakers
The crop generated nearly $3 billion last year in California and in the past decade the United States has surpassed Iran to become the world's top exporter of the nut
The plan will be implemented over the next three years, Xu Hongcai, vice-chairman of the National People's Congress's financial and economic committee, said
The International Monetary Fund and others worry that a dangerous liquidity shortfall could take its place in many emerging economies — setting back development, stunting climate change mitigation and fueling distrust in governments and Western institutions
World Bank is asking shareholders to increase their contributions
The report finds that these economies are poorer today on average than they were on the eve of the COVID-19 pandemic, even as the rest of the world has largely recovered from COVID
Slight increase in travelers expected to give temporary boost to spending, domestic consumption
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