National Police inspector-general says undocumented migrants had to be rounded up to prevent them from sneaking out of area and possibly spreading virus to other parts of the city or country, state news agency Bernama reports
Washington says Bangkok is losing the benefits for moving too slowly on labor rights reforms
Indonesia, Myanmar and Thailand are releasing thousands of prisoners from brimming jail cells where social distancing is impossible, But some countries are hesitating
The world's top rubber glove maker has lifted staffing limits on glove factories to help keep safe front-line health care workers battling the spread of the coronavirus around the world
With parties championing Malaysia's Malay Muslim majority back in power, the country may well be in for a rise in racial, even religious tensions
Health experts warn that faulty figures may breed a false sense of security and help virus causing deadly disease to spread
Malaysian Rubber Glove Manufacturers Association says that with lockdown’s orders that factories operate with no more than half their usual workforce, even with extra overtime, 'there could be a chronic shortage of medical gloves in the battle to contain and suppress the Covid-19 coronavirus worldwide'
Health experts say tightly packed city-state is keeping community transmission of new coronavirus in check with timely testing and contact tracing
Thailand added nearly 2 million people to the ranks of the poor from 2015 to 2018 and may yet add more. That bodes ill for a government already short on credit after a tainted election
After days of mixed messages, an official at Thailand's disease control department says arrivals from the four countries hit hardest by Covid-19 will not have to self-quarantine
New deals emphasize China's tightening links to Myanmar
The decision is expected to boost the pro-military government's edge in the national assembly, where it has been struggling with a meager majority
Thailand's politically powerful military has staked its reputation on preserving peace and order. The country's deadliest mass shooting in memory, at the hands of a disgruntled soldier, is shredding that slogan
Analysts say both sides have waning faith in a military victory but aren't yet ready to make major concessions
The Thai cabinet has scrapped a project backed by Beijing to dredge and blow open a rocky stretch of the river for larger ships after years of local opposition
Blowback from Mahathir Mohamad’s rebuke of India over Kashmir and Muslim migrants is likely to hit his country’s palm oil sector hard, but it may have as much to do with balancing bilateral trade
A push for Chinese and Tamil-language schools to teach their 10-year-olds an Arabic script little used in modern-day Malaysia is fanning fears of state overreach and Islamization
Constitution Court acquitted the Future Forward party of trying to overthrow monarchy but may still decide to dissolve party over a loan
Malaysia's government looks increasingly likely to miss promised mid-2020 leadership transfer, raising fears of succession scuffle that could split already fragile alliance
Analysts, advocates tell VOA that Thailand has made little if any headway in restoring democracy since elections in March ended five years of military rule; government claims democracy is back 'in full stream'
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