African Union sets two-week deadline for return to civilian rule
Thousands take to streets of Ouagadougou to accuse army of trying to hijack people’s ousting of President Blaise Compaore
Army backs military colonel as country's transitional leader, quieting rumors of power struggle following the resignation of President Blaise Compaore
Rebel-occupied northern Ivory Coast borders Burkina Faso; many Ivorian rebel leaders have spent time there since start of their insurge
Ruling party wins big in elections for city and village councils, more than 20 parties win no seats at all
African government ministers, bank officials and experts have met in Burkina Faso to discuss job creation, but have come up with few sp
Government says H5N-1 strain has been found in poultry on outskirts of Ouagadougou, in town of Gampela, on road to Niger