Under Xi’s tenure, screws tightened further on Tibetan Buddhists’ religious freedoms.
Call it what you want, but coronaviruses were modified at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in experimental research.
Beijing denies role hacks, but analysts regularly see a Chinese state hand in cyberattacks
Despite many roadblocks to verification, there is mounting evidenced of forced labor
The United Nations recognizes the South China Sea as an international territory and guarantees the right of innocent passage.
Press freedom persists despite government-led efforts to suppress it.
Moscow gives Myanmar strongman a stage to distort the coup and military crackdown as the country flirts with civil war.
Beijing’s definition of ‘human rights’ leaves a lot to be desired.
The pro-democracy publication’s owner and top editor are all charged under a sweeping National Security Law that censors free speech.
The Trump administration labeled the prosecutor a “Specially Designated National” for investigating alleged Afghanistan war crimes, not terrorist ties.
Animal extracts are used in the Covaxin anti-COVID-19 vaccine’s production but none are present in final product.
Despite Beijing’s protests, violations of Hong Kong’s autonomy documented in a new U.K. report are clear as day.
Be it a lab leak or force of nature, the jury is still out on origins of the novel coronavirus.
Yuan Longping on multiple accounts noted 1960, not 1949 as the time when starvation-related death inspired his groundbreaking work.
Naming coronavirus variants based on geography can be highly misleading.
Communist China has started wars and encroached on foreign soil numerous times.
China “peacefully liberated” Tibet through the barrel of a gun.
China’s campaign to deflect rights abuse accusations comes as Western states, rights groups demand U.N. access to Xinjiang.
While Israel has allegedly conducted targeted killings abroad, it has declared no intention of going to war with Malaysia
While the U.S. and China engage in tit-for-tat over media credentials, China’s actual suppression of reporters is a separate issue.
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