The long-delayed U.N. report catalogued evidence of dehumanizing abuse against Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities.
Plans for sham referendums reveal that Putin in fact wants to absorb more of Ukraine – even if it means using the ultimate force.
Forget the fact that Putin rejected a pre-war peace offer. The Chinese Communist Party still buys Russian disinfo faulting NATO.
The Kremlin dusted off old falsehoods in an apparent effort to divert attention from embarrassing setbacks in its war on Ukraine.
‘Pariah-state solidarity’ between Myanmar and Russia was born in war, not peace.
China has long sought to deflect growing body of evidence showing state involvement in global hacking operations.
China can point a finger at the United States, but the record shows that it is Beijing that repeatedly threatens its neighbors and oversteps its boundaries through sweeping claims of sovereignty over the South China Sea.
A ‘Wolf Warrior’ overreach that was grossly ill-informed ends up being deleted from Twitter. (But not before we spotted it.)
Butina served 15 months in prison on foreign-influence charges and never complained of torture. Griner is serving 9 years for possessing a small amount of hashish oil.
Despite Beijing’s best efforts to halt investigations into forced labor allegations, evidence keeps piling up.
To seize and hold power, Myanmar’s military has eroded stability and stamped out rule of law with systematic violence.
To falsely attack the U.S. for “violence,” a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman misrepresents a photo of a U.S. Marine assisting on a peace-keeping mission that China endorsed.
Cambodia has crushed media freedom along with political opposition as the world’s longest-serving ruler, Hun Sen, sets up dynasty.
Russia arms continue to flow to Myanmar, which the ruling military clique uses to wage war against its own people.
U.S.-gifted HIMARS are doing anything but “shooting blind” in Ukraine.
“Cut-and-paste” COVID-19 conspiracy theories are being revived for the monkeypox outbreak.
The four pro-democracy activists were hanged after military tribunals without public scrutiny or appeal rights.
Khamenei ignores Russia’s military seizure of Crimea in 2014. Russia faced no threat from NATO or Ukraine when it invaded in February.
Casualty estimates vary, but abundant evidence shows that civilians died in the theater when Russian bombs struck.
Civil society, free speech and political participation have all taken a massive hit in Hong Kong’s national security crackdown.
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