National Trust list includes a fort, a mountain and an alleyway
Restaurant newsletter serves businesses in 700 US communities, 400 other places worldwide
Half of women's basketball league coaches are men
Developers say they've found a way for babies use computers
Thanks to China, Pontchartrain Causeway is no longer the world's longest bridge
African-Americans return to their Southern roots
Most wearing uniforms on July 4th have served honorably, but not all
People who use sites like Twitter and Facebook tend to be more trusting, have more close friends
Can stores make shopping fashionable again?
Miss Columbia used to hang with Uncle Sam
Should rivers be dammed or allowed to take their course?
It’s a place that a lot of people once could not wait to leave
That’s the idea behind re-wilding the American prairie
Real ones lift you gently and drop you like a stone
Some neighbors find the extra-large homes to be a nightmare
Only a few hundred 'movies under the stars' survive
Lure of the challenge attracts females
Lifestyle goodies are part of the university package
Declaration of Independence and US Constitution top the list
Book offers tips on building a flourishing business
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