Steve Herman
Steve Herman, formerly White House Bureau Chief, is now VOA's Chief National Correspondent.
Herman spent more than a quarter of a century in Asia, including years of reporting from Tokyo and subsequently as a VOA correspondent and bureau chief in India, Korea and Thailand. Herman also served in 2016 as VOA's Senior Diplomatic Correspondent, based at the State Department. His travels have taken him to approximately 75 countries, which included on-scene reporting from combat zones, civil uprisings and areas struck by major natural disasters.
The veteran journalist has appeared frequently on TV and radio networks, including VOA affiliates, in Australia, Canada, India, Nigeria, South Africa, South Korea and the United Kingdom. His articles, columns and reviews have been published in the Far Eastern Economic Review, Harvard Summer Review, Japan Quarterly, Japan Times, On the Air, Popular Communications, Proceedings (U.S. Naval Institute), Radio World, Shukan Bunshun, Shukan Gendai, South China Morning Post and the Wall Street Journal. He is a frequent guest lecturer at universities and professional conferences in the United States and abroad.
Herman is a former president of the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan and the Seoul Foreign Correspondents' Club. He previously served a two-year term as a Governor of the Overseas Press Club of America. Herman is the broadcast vice president for the Washington, DC chapter of the Asian American Journalists Association and the U.S. Agency for Global Media representative on the governing board of the American Foreign Service Association.
Follow Steve Herman on Twitter at @W7VOA.