A position requiring a fifth grade education and the ability to ride a bicycle attracted 255 candidates who hold doctorate degrees and 25,000 masters degree holders
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina recently warned bloggers they would not be allowed to “hurt” religious sentiments of others
Religious edicts condemning IS as antithetical to Islam's tenets are issued days after India said it would begin deradicalization programs for Muslim youth
Slain professor’s writings against idol worship angered some religious groups
Four secular bloggers have been murdered in Bangladesh this year, and many others say they do not feel safe
For many centuries, Jain monks as well as ordinary people have chosen to commit santhara - a spiritual way of fasting to death by giving up food and water
Many Islamic clerics in India have condemned the Islamic State militants because of their brutal tactics
Bangladesh’s top police official rejected accusations that officers sympathize with those behind recent attacks on bloggers
Hours after attack, group claiming to be Bangladeshi wing of al-Qaida in Indian Subcontinent claims responsibility
Forty-year-old Niloy Chakrabarti, known for atheist views, killed at home in Dhaka neighborhood
A massive crackdown on online pornography saw authorities blocking more than 800 websites
2004 census found 440 tigers in Bangladeshi part of Sundarbans forest, but wildlife experts now say that was an over count
It is estimated that more than 71 million Indians suffer from iodine deficiency disorders
Officials say 1,500 people jostled to enter a chewing tobacco factory compound through a narrow gate to receive free clothing
Media reports in Bangladesh and Malaysia have reported that during the next three years as many as 1.5 million workers from Bangladesh could be included in the deal
Indian intelligence official says ‘hot pursuit’ actually failed to kill any of the Naga insurgents it had targeted
The president of Chhattisgarh Christian Forum told VOA the attack 'appears to be part of the ongoing anti-Christian hate campaign'
Indian officials say the attacks on civilians are evidence of frustration as militants choose easier targets
Special forces commandos attacked two insurgent camps in the India-Myanmar border region five days after rebels killed 18 soldiers in an ambush
Controversial Bangladeshi feminist author moved to India in 2004 after receiving similar threats
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